![[RIFTS Logo]](images/logos/r_logo.gif)
by Dustin M.
Site Index
© 1995 - 2003 this page, contents, and accompanying pages, Dustin M. Ramsey, Dustinian Industries,
and other authors as specified. Duplication of contents with permission only!
Started in September 1995, this web site is dedicated to Palladium Books' best selling role playing game,
RIFTS. As this site was one of the first ten RIFTS pages on the web (and one of the only original
RIFTS sites still being actively maintained) it is one of the largest sources of quality supplemental
information available for the RIFTS game.
We hope you enjoy your visit here and come back often! -Dustin M. & Julie R. A. Ramsey
© 1995 - 2003 this page, contents, and accompanying pages, Dustin M. Ramsey, Dustinian
Industries, and other authors as specified. Duplication of contents with permission only!
Rifts®, Palladium Books®, and Megaverse® are registered trademarks owned
and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.
Site Index:
About the Owners and Authors
- Attribute Rules:
- Burst Rules:
- Supplemental Character Class Rules:
- Changing O.C.C.s:
clearly explained rules for changing a character's Occupational
Character Class
- Top notch RIFTS Character Sheets
(or Character Record Sheets)!
- Credits: what they really
are, and how money works on RIFTS earth
- Luck: add Luck into your RIFTS
- Pain Rules: great rules for
realistically handling pain
- Perception Attribute:
rules for character's innate Danger Sense and Initiative
- Advanced Combat System Rules:
- Knockdown Rules:
- Knockdown: Simple: fast
and simple rules for determining knockdown, as based on a
character's size
- Knockdown: Advanced:
highly realistic rules for determining knockdown, as based on
the amount and type of damage done, as well as the target's
- Knockdown for Weapons:
rules for determining when weapons have been knocked out of a
character's hands
- Martial Arts Rules:
- Expanded Martial Arts Hand
Strikes: rules for realistically determining how much
damage is done by Normal, Extraordinary, Superhuman, and
Supernaturally strong martial artists using hand attacks
- Expanded Martial Arts Kick
Attacks: rules for realistically determining how much
damage is done by Normal, Extraordinary, Superhuman, and
Supernaturally strong martial artists using foot attacks
- Expanded Martial Arts
Miscellaneous Attacks: rules for realistically determining
how much damage is done by Normal, Extraordinary, Superhuman,
and Supernaturally strong martial artists using miscellaneous
- Supernatural P.S. for
Martial Arts: advanced rules for determining the amount of
damage done by supernaturally strong martial artist
- Parry Rules:
- Physical Strength Rules:
- Extraordinary P.S.:
rules for determining how much damage is done by Heroes
Unlimited characters with the Extraordinary Physical Strength
super power
- Superhuman P.S.: rules
for determining how much damage is done by Heroes Unlimited
characters with the Superhuman Strength super power
- Supernatural P.S. for
Martial Arts: advanced rules for determining the amount of
damage done by supernaturally strong martial artist
- Vehicle Rules:
- Collision, Impact, and
Critical Hits: rules for determining collisions, impacts,
and critical hits for Power Armour and Robot Vehicles
- Critical Hit Rules for
Mecha: rules for critical hits on Powered Armour and Robot
- Starship Rules: a
fantastic set of rules for making RIFTS, Phase World, Robotech,
and Macross starships consistent and much more realistic
- TMF: how to use Transient
Movement Factor in RIFTS, Robotech, and Macross II games
- Weapon Rules:
Answers to Common
Questions, Official Erratas, & Press Releases
- Press Releases:
- Official Erratas:
- Beyond the Supernatural RPG:
- Heroes Unlimited RPG:
- Nightbane RPG:
- Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game:
- The Rifter:
- Answers to Common Questions:
- Others:
Body Armour and Force
- Body Armour
- Human-Sized Body Armour
- Dog Pack DPM: Psi-Hound
light riot armour, described but never really listed in the
main RIFTS book
- Medium Fury
Beetle: medium plate Fury Beetle armour, described but
never really listed in the main RIFTS book
- Heavy Fury
Beetle: heavy plate Fury Beetle armour, described but
never really listed in the main RIFTS book
- NE-C16: light
camouflage armour, a new type of armour in the RIFTS Earth
and Phase World dimensions
- Samurai: Samurai
environmental armour, a new kind of body armour
- Valkyrie: Valkyrie
plate armour, a new style of armour
- Giant-Sized Body Armour
- Force Fields
- Naruni Force Fields:
an expanded description without all the inconsistencies in the
various books RIFTS
- Hook, Line, & Sinker Adventures
- Rumours Heard by RIFTS Characters in Ciudad Juarez
(organized by alignment and O.C.C./R.C.C.)
- Maps Showing the Children of Doom's Network of Caves
The Complete Catalogue
of RIFTS Books
- Equipment
- Supplies
- Mega-Peppers: for
transforming M.D.C. flesh into eatable S.D.C. meat!
- Phase World Equipment:
- Handheld Equipment:
- Wearable Equipment:
- General Humour:
- Humourous R.C.C.'s:
Noteworthy Links &
Web Rings
- New Magic Rules
- Magic Weapons
- Arafel the
Pure, a cursed Greater Holy weapon.
- Dastari the
Withering, a really cursed Greatest Rune Mace
- Edwina the
Slayer, a Rune Sword/Knife
- Enrither the
Fury, a Greatest Rune Sword, and the original Sword of
- Hephaestus the
Honourable, a cursed Greater Rune Katana
- Nemish, a
Greatest Rune Bow
- Odrade the
Goodslayer, a Greater Dark Holy weapon
- Rashedi the
Vile, a cursed Greater Rune Sword
- Scepter
of the Necromancer, a corrupted Millennium Tree staff of
great power
- T'Chakta the
Dragon Slayer, a Pogtal Giant Holy weapon
- Tractator the
Terrible, a slightly cursed Rune Scimitar
- Vargus the
Assassin, a cursed Rune Assassin's Blade
- New Magic Spells
- New Magic Tattoos
- Magic Weapon Tattoos
- Power Tattoos
- New Techno-Wizardry/Magic Items
- New Hand-to-Hand Techno-Wizardry Weapons
- New Ranged Techno-Wizardry Weapons
- Enhanced Creation Rules for Techno-Wizardry Energy Weapons
- Enhanced Creation Rules for Techno-Wizardry Telekinetic
- New Techno-Wizardry Weapons
Monsters and
Supernatural Critters
- Brontobear: a gigantic
species of mutant bear native to the forests of RIFTS Earth
- An insectoid hive with multiple species:
- Demon Entity: a
horrific possessing entity from the RIFTS
- Glitterfly: a beautiful
but lethal creature with a deadly secret
- Khuntox: a cruel
supernatural killer
- Kontag Mauler: a pack
- P.P.E. Wasp: a
supernatural insect from the RIFTS
- Shavada Demon: a nomadic
P.P.E. vampire that has come to Earth via the RIFTS
- Syslentalz
Predator: a hot climate predator that has an unusual
- Constant-On Psionics:
advanced rules for giving RIFTS characters psychic abilities that
are engaged at all times
- Telemechanics: bonuses
derived from piloting vehicles via the RIFTS Super Psionic
- Character Classes:
- New R.C.C.s
- Borowitz: a
psionically gifted race of giants
- Carnja Hunter/Assassin:
cruel hunters from another dimension
- Horta: a silicon life form from the RIFTS
- Lishka: a fox-like alien
from a different world
- Maddalena Demon:
another twisted creation from the Gene Splicers
- Mogara: a powerful alien
race suitable for RIFTS Earth, Phase World, and Aliens
- Statisti: a
mathematically-gifted D-Bee
- Takean Warrior: the
ancient enemy of the Brodkil
- Todakka: a race
of giants gifted with mechanical genus
- Woowari: a peaceful race
indigenous to a different dimension
- Yautja Hunter: an alien
hunter from the RIFTS
- New O.C.C.s
- Con Artist: the
professional con-man
- New Cyber-Knight Variants:
- CS Battle Angel: the
combat medic of the Coalition military
- Enchanter: mages that
focus on adding enchantment to mundane objects
- Medical Examiner: highly
trained forensics expert and Medical Doctor
- Mer-Juicer: a Juicer
variant specially designed for underwater operations
- Sniper: a trained
military assassin
- Soaker: a hydrokinetic
Psychic Character Class
- Reference Material
- Reference Links
- Search the RIFTS-RPG.com and RIFTS
by Dustin M. web site.
- Complete List of Official Skills
Covering the following books: Australia, Canada,
Coalition Navy, Coalition War Campaign,
Conversion Book (One), Japan, Juicer
Uprising, Manhunter, Mercenaries, Mutants in
Orbit, New West, Phase World, RIFTS,
Rifter #3, Triax and the NGR, Underseas, and
Warlords of Russia
- New Skills
- General:
- Military :
- Physical:
- Psi-Waza: a martial
arts form exclusive to Cyber-Knights
- Science:
- Rogue:
- Technical:
- Weapon Proficiencies:
- Ground Vehicles:
- Power Armour:
- Starships:
- Complete List of Official Weapons
Covering part or all of the following books: Atlantis, Coalition
Navy, Coalition War Campaign, Free Quebec, Juicer
Uprising, The Mechanoids, Mercenaries, Mindwerks, New
West, Phase World, Phase World Sourcebook, Rifter #4,
RIFTS, Sourcebook One, South America, Triax &
The NGR, and Underseas (with more on the way)
- New Mega-Damage Weapons
- Kittani Weapons:
- Naruni Enterprises:
- Northern Gun:
- Others:
- Wellington Industries:
- S.D.C. Weapons
- See the latest updates to this site at the What's
New page
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since this site began on 1995.09.14
© 1995 - 2003 this page, contents, and accompanying pages, Dustin M. Ramsey, Dustinian
Industries, and other authors as specified. Duplication of contents with permission only!
Rifts®, Palladium Books®, and Megaverse® are registered trademarks owned
and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.