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By: Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books
Modern Weapon Proficiencies (W.P.) are areas of training and practiced skill with a particular type of weapon, such as revolver or sub-machinegun. This skill provides special bonuses to strike when using that weapon. Do not add this strike bonus to your character's hand to hand combat skill bonuses to strike. Weapon Proficiencies provide the following bonuses: Aimed: +3 to strike. Weapon Proficiency Descriptions: W.P. Black Powder: Knowledge and practice with antique weapons of all kinds. Includes a lot of strange items ... the ability to load and fire muzzleloading guns, familiarity with Civil War, Napoleonic, and Revolutionary War rifles and pistols. Example: TW Blackpowder weapons from Wormwood. W.P. Revolver: All cylinder style non-automatic (trigger must be pulled each time the gun is fired) handguns. Example: NE-6 "Magnum" Plasma Cartridge Revolver. W.P. Automatic Pistol: All modern military automatic pistols (the weapon keeps firing while the trigger is depressed and until the trigger is released or the rounds are all expended). Example: NE-2L Plasma Cartridge Autopistol. W.P. Rifle/Shotgun: Includes most hunting, military, and target shooting rifles. Example: TX-16 Pump Rifle. W.P. Sub-Machinegun: Includes all small arms automatic weapons that fire pistol ammunition. Example: NE-300 "Stutterer." W.P. Automatic and Semiautomatic Rifles: Includes all assault rifles that fire rifle and assault rifle ammunition. Example: NE-10 Plasma Cartridge Rifle. W.P. Grenade: Think just anyone can chuck a grenade? If your answer is yes, then you might want to think again. Sure, tossing a grenade takes all the intelligence of your average chimpanzee. Figuring out when to throw the grenade is another matter. First off not all grenades are fitted with the same delay rate. Some have a 3 second delay, some 5 seconds, some can be adjusted to a variable rate. There are even pre-rifts Russian Empire grenades that had a zero delay, they go off as soon as you pull the pin! Example: NG-Hand Grenades. W.P. Grenade Launcher: Includes stand-alone and combo grenade launching weapons. Example: NG-LG6 Northern Gun Laser Rifle & Grenade Launcher, WI-GL4 Revolving Grenade Launcher. W.P. Heavy: Includes heavy machineguns, bazookas, LAWS, mortars, etc. Example: NE-200 Plasma Cartridge Machinegun. W.P. Artillery: Covers all vehicle-sized cannons and howitzers, as well as vehicle-mounted missile weapons. Example: an Enforcer's C-50R. W.P. Energy Pistol: Includes lasers, ions, and all types of light energy firing small arms. Example: Wilk's 320 Laser Pistol. W.P. Energy Rifle: Includes long range, light energy firing rifles. Example: C-12 Heavy Assault Laser Rifle, TX-30 Triax Ion Pulse Rifle. W.P. Heavy Energy: Includes plasma ejector, particle beam, rail guns, and similar high tech, mega-damage weapons. Example: NG-E12 Northern Gun Heavy Plasma Ejector, TX-500 Borg Rail Gun.
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