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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)
A large sword that glows a faint white, this Weapon of Light is totally indestructible. It is over five feet in length and in the style of a great blue-gray flamberge. The sword is very ornate and is decorated along its entire length with white engravings of holy symbols Standard Abilities:
Greater Abilities:
Curse: Cravings On the plus side, as long as the person remains cursed, the character has the skill Cooking: Insects Only at 80% and at a professional proficiency level. This unique skill can be used to create visually appealing and tasty meals comprised entirely of insects. (It should be noted that a character cursed with Insect Cravings is perfectly content and satisfied with eating their insects alive and uncooked. Indeed, many a person with this curse has said that the most enjoyable part of their daily insectoid snack is the way the little critters crawl around inside their mouths right before they start chewing on the crunchy carapaces.) To break the curse, two things must happen. First, the weapon's owner must intentionally throw it away, sell it, give it away, or otherwise dispose of the sword. This can also be accomplished if the weapon is lost or stolen. The second step is to have a Remove Curse spell cast on the former owner (even then the curse is +10 to save). If the curse fails its saving throw, the curse has been removed from the person. Note: Even after the curse has been removed from the sword's former owner, any insanities that may have resulted from the curse will remain until cured (if a cure is even possible) by years of therapy from a medical professional. The cursed sword will, of course, continue to inflict its enchantment on every "new" owner who claims it. |
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