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Weapon Types and
By: The
Raven, Raven
[Reprinted exclusively for by special permission
of the author. Further duplication or reproduction of this work is
strictly prohibited!]
Thanks go out to Shawn Merrow for giving me the idea for doing
this in the first place, Rodney Stott for keeping me going on it, the
guys on Strangeness and Prepost for dealing with posting it for them
to look over and act as editors. Well on to the real show. This can
be used in any high tech game. It was inspired by both Shawn and
Rodney commenting on the number of people asking how various weapons
worked. This is a quick and simple way of how they work. I am not
going to go into the various subtypes of each weapon, the theories
behind them, or the fun equations. This is based off various AP
classes in high school, and 2 years of advanced science theory in
college. And when I say advanced theory, I mean advanced theory,
since I can go through and pound out the equations of how to figure
the thermal shock wave that results from plasma interaction with air
and solid matter...... ugh..... on to the show....
- Laser
- Ion
- Plasma
- Particle Beam
- Electromagnetic Kinetic
Weapon Descriptions
- Laser (Light Amplified by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation)
Lasers are the mainstay of most sci-fi/high tech games out there.
They are simple, elegant, and cheap weapons compared to most other
energy weapons in sci-fi. Simple because there is no need for
massive cooling, heating, compression or other such equipment,
just a focusing chamber of some sort.
Elegant due to the precise damage that it can inflict and the lack
of sound by conventional physics other then a slight hum. And
cheap for the same reasons it is simple, the lack of complex
Lasers inflict damage entirely through exciting the molecules in
the target to a higher state of action. In other words, it burns
either a nice hole or melts a section away due to high heat in
targets with low water concentrations and causes targets with a
high water concentration to undergo explosive vaporization of the
targets fluids. So upon hitting a high density composite armour,
the laser causes an area on the armour to melts away, revealing
either a deeper layer of the armour or exposes whatever is
underneath the armour to further damage, whether that is structure
of the item or the poor pilot.
While being a very effective weapon under optimal conditions, the
laser drops in effectiveness under adverse conditions. Optimal
conditions for a laser are conditions not found within an
atmosphere. Environmental factors including particles in the air,
humidity, and other common occurrences, when combined, render the
laser as a weapon best suited for use in outer space. Particulate
matter in the air tends to scatter the beam, reducing the amount
of energy that arrives at the target location; this lowers the
amount of damage done to the target (no duh). Humidity in the air
poses another problem for the use of lasers in an atmosphere. At
the front shock-cone (the point where the laser is moving through
the air), the temperature is high enough that it can no longer
hold humidity and the rapid cooling of the air after the beam has
passed through, result in an interesting phenomenon. This causes
the humidity in the wake of the laser to condense into a fine line
of mist in the shape of the beam in the air for approximately 2-6
seconds afterwards. This is known as a DEW (Directed Energy
Weapon) Line, and provides everyone in the area with a straight
line between the target and the firing unit.
- Ion Weapons
The category of Ion weapons covers a broad spectrum of weapons.
These types of weapons are slightly higher up the technological
ladder compared to lasers, but not by much. They use most of the
same systems as a laser with the addition of a system to gather
and compress ions from either the surrounding environment or from
a special reaction mass container. The addition of the compression
system increases the weight, bulk, and cost and reduces the range
of the weapon when compared to a laser. But these reductions are
offset by the significantly higher damage potential and reduced
energy requirements of the weapon. Firing a stream of low mass,
low energy ions, down an ionized path to the target, ion weapons
are related to the more advanced particle beam type weapons.
While a laser does damage through extreme heat, Ion Weapons acts
almost as a sand blaster at the point of impact. The particles in
the ion stream wash across the target surface, stripping particles
from the target. A secondary effect of Ion based weaponry is an
electrifying effect caused by the interaction of the ion beam with
the target surface. While not damaging in itself, this effect can
be quite horrifying to watch as ultra-low power lightning bolt
crawl across the surface of the target.
Overall, an ion weapon is as effective as a laser weapon. While a
laser weapon suffers due to particulate mass between the weapon
and the target, the ion weapon actually functions better with the
intervening particle mass. This is due to the particle mass in the
way being added to the beam, replacing ions lost at the trailing
edge of the beam. While humidity poses a much lower problem to an
ion weapon, the problem of DEW Lines is still inherent, though not
quite as obvious or as long lasting in the air. While the laser is
a weapon best suited to use in a non-atmospheric environment, the
ion weapon is best suited for use in terrestrial conflicts. To
simplify the production of most ion weapons and to also lower the
weight of the weapon, most ions would use some method of
collecting the ionic mass for firing from the air around it. While
effective in an atmosphere, in space, this tends to have no
- Plasma Weapons
Contrary to popular belief, Plasma is not super napalm. Nor is it
some sort of ultrahigh temperature gel generated within the gun.
Plasma is another way of looking at matter beyond solid, liquid,
and gas. By the simplest definition, plasma is ultrahigh
temperature substance somewhat like a gas and a liquid at the same
Plasma cause damage not only through high-energy discharge on the
target, but also through extreme heat, severe ionic charging of
the target surface, radical decomposition of any organic or
semi-organic components of the target, among other forces. The
high-energy discharge makes reference to speed and mass striking
the target, resulting in damage with no equivalent in modern
weapons. A 50g (1.5oz, about 1/9th of a pound) cadmium telluride
pellet turned into plasma would have more damage upon impact then
a 150mm tank shell. The standard plasma weapon used in Rifts is
what is sometimes known in physics as a "Free-range Plasma" (FrP)
weapon. This type of weapon uses ambient molecules and energy from
some source to form a high-energy plasma, which subsequently
ejected from the weapon at high-speed at the target.
While achieving incredible amounts of damage, Plasma weapons are
among the least power effective weapons in existence. This is
primarily due to the weapon having to gather enough mass together,
and then heating the mass up to the point where it becomes plasma.
Another drawback of this type of weapons is DEW Lines, a problem
for all types of energy weapons. Whereas the DEW Line from a laser
or ion weapon is a short lived phenomenon; the DEW Line from a
plasma weapon has additional problems. The DEW Line from a Plasma
weapon has a medium to long duration within the air, along with
residual ionization effects of the air through with the Plasma
weapon was fired. The residual ionization of the air can be
detected long after the weapon was fired. This same ionization can
lead to an increased number of lightning strike in the area that
weapon was discharged for up to an hour after firing. An
additional drawback inherent in plasma weapons is recoil. Unlike
most of other types of energy weapons, plasma weapons expel enough
mass each firing to achieve recoil. While the level of recoil is
lower then that of a conventional rifle, persons used to laser and
ion based weapons tend to be surprised by the weapon kicking when
- Particle Beam Weapons
An outgrowth of both Ion and Plasma weapons, Particle beam weapons
are among the pinnacle of energy based weapons. Firing a beam of
heavier particles (Iron, Iridium, Cobalt, and Tungsten nuclei) at
the target, Particle Beam weapons cause severe damage by numerous
principles. The primary cause of damage is the impact of the
particles in the beam. This causes effects close to that of an Ion
weapon, the removal of layers of the target's surface. In the case
of Particle Beam weapons, the damage is much higher then that
caused by Ion weapons. This is due to the larger and heavier
particles that compose the beam. The secondary cause of damage by
a Particle Beam is severe ionization of the target. This is a much
more damaging effect then the similar effect produced by Ion
weapons. The ionization produced by a Particle Beam weapon is
comparable to that produced by a direct strike from a lightning
bolt. This can cause electronics to fail, organic material to
decompose into their components, and other effects.
While being a devastating weapon, Particle Beams do have
significant drawbacks. While a laser, ion, or even, to a certain
extent, plasma weapons, all do generally the same amount of damage
at all ranges, Particle Beam weapons experience a drop in power
with the distance traveled. At extreme range, a Particle beam will
only produce the ionizing effects, this is due to the particles in
the beam having either lost most of their energy or having been
lost from the beam. This can be countered by the lengthening and
finer focusing of the Particle beam, but only to a certain extent.
Another drawback is the high power requirements of the beam
itself. While a laser or ion weapon requires very little power, a
Particle beam requires significant power.
- Electromagnetic Kinetic Weapons
This is one of the broadest categories of weapons in science
fiction. To make it a bit easier to understand, this subject will
be cut into smaller pieces.
- A. Gauss/Rail Weapons:
Using a series of magnetic rings (in the case of gauss
weapons) or parallel rails (in rail guns), these weapons
accelerate a ferrous (Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, or alloys of them)
projectile to speeds higher then those of bullets propelled by
gunpowder. While each weapon type has it's own inherent
advantages and disadvantages; they are lumped into one group
for simplicity's sake.
The average gauss/rail weapon can propel a projectile at many
times the speed of sound and with accuracy equal or better then
a gunpowder weapon. While these weapons might seem at first
glance to be the best choice for modern weapons, this is not
the case. While a gauss/rail weapon is more effective in most
ways, there are aspects where conventional weapons over shadow
them. Gauss/Rail weapons produce much higher recoil then
conventional weapons, but not for the same reasons. While
gauss/rail weapons are much more accurate then conventional
weapons, the maintenance for them is also much higher. After a
certain number rounds fired from a gauss/rail weapon, the
weapon must be checked to make sure that the magnets are in
good condition or that the rails have not warped due to the
forces on them. The number of shells this is required is much
lower then that of a conventional assault rifle. While most
infantrymen can carry a conventional weapon, gauss/rail weapons
are much to heavy for use on other then tanks and vehicles of
all sorts, including powered armours. The necessary ammunition
drum for the gauss/rail weapon also reduces the mobility of the
- B. Pulse Theory:
In the early 1990s, research by the United States
Government developed a branch of electromagnetic weapons that
seemed to have solved the problems inherent in gauss and rail
weapons. Called "Pulse Theory" by the researchers, this
offshoot provided man portable firepower almost equal to that
of a gauss weapon. By using two opposing magnets, the rear
magnet fitted solid and the forward magnet with a small
aperture in the center of it, the system could propel magnets
at close to the same speeds as gauss weapons at a much lower
cost. While seeming to be the alternative to gauss/rail
weapons, pulse theory weapons would not displace the
forerunners. Pulse theory weapons have a much shorter range
then either gauss or rail weapons. The accuracy of pulse theory
weapons is also much lower. The best use for pulse theory
weapons was for artillery (by 1999 military documents) and
small infantry weapons. As of 1999, the author of this document
knows of no planned uses for pulse theory beyond what has been