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TW Frost Blade

By: Dustin M. Ramsey aka Kralizec! (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Often thought of as the yin to the Flaming Sword's yang, this powerful Techno-Wizardry weapon inflicts mega-damage through mystical cold.  Additionally those struck must make a save vs. magic or suffer from a sudden, debilitating, numbing cold.  A numbed opponent loses one attack per melee, is -2 to initiative, -1 to strike/parry/dodge, and speed is reduced by 10%.  These penalties are not cumulative, and last for 1D4 minutes.

When not activated, the TW Frost Blade looks like a simple wood or metal sword hilt with no blade. Once energized, a crackling blade of white or pale blue energy appears on the handle and can be used as a magic sword. While comparatively rarer than its flaming cousin, this TW weapon is extremely popular with demon hunters and those who battle supernatural beings because whereas many creatures are resistant or even impervious to magic fire, very few have any protection from magic cold.

Creation Costs:
P.P.E. Cost: 40 +10 P.P.E. for each minute of the blade's duration.
Spells Needed: Orb of Cold (Federation of Magic, pg. 132) or Frostblade (Federation of Magic, pp. 139 - 140)
Physical Requirements: two sapphires worth at least 1500 credits each and 500 credits worth of silver wire, plus one clear quartz worth at least 100 credits for each minute the sword remains energized.
Level Requirements: None; a Techno-Wizard of any level can create this type of weapon.
Time: 1D4 hours per each crystal in the weapon

Usage of the Frost Blade:
Weight: only about 2lbs (.91kg).
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. plus penalties from the numbing cold.
Saving Throw: Standard (applicable only to the penalties from the debilitating cold; no save vs. the mega-damage)
Duration: One minute per level of the mage, however, increasing the duration of the sword requires additional clear quartz crystals and P.P.E. from the Techno-Wizard at the time the weapon is created.
Mega-Damage Capacity: Unchanged for the hilt.  The energy blade is effectively indestructible (it does not take damage from parried attacks) but disappears once the duration elapses.
Weapon Proficiency: WP Sword (RIFTS Main Book, pg. 32)
Bonuses: Due to superior balance, the blade is +1 to strike and can be used to parry energy blasts (no special bonuses).
To Recharge: 15 P.P.E. for mages, 30 I.S.P. for psychics, or 12 P.P.E. for Techno-Wizards will fully energize the sword, regardless of its duration.
Cost: Roughly 12,000 credits per each crystal in the weapon.



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