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Cyber-Knight: Changed
Knight O.C.C.
By: Joseph Trinchillo (
With tweaks by: Dustin M. Ramsey (
The Changed Knights and the Order of the Changed are a renegade
branch of knights that currently are not sanctioned by Lord Coake and
the other Cyber-Knights. They are mutants who feel that they have
been given prejudicial treatment in most areas, not just by the
Coalition. Thus they follow their own code of honour that is a
variation of the traditional Code of Chivalry. They seek to protect
D-Bees and mutants first, even above other innocents. These
characters are created a la Heroes Unlimited 2 mutant
Alignment: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Attribute Requirements: same as the basic Cyber-Knight
Special Abilities: roll once on the Unusual Characteristics
table (Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition, pp. 159 -
161) and can choose to either roll once on the Random Major Super
Abilities Table (Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition,
pg. 227) or to roll twice on the Random Minor Super Abilities
Table (Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition, pg.
Psionic Abilities: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
O.C.C. Skills: Same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C., except
the character gains the martial art Psi-Waza
instead of the generic Hand to Hand: Martial Arts skill
O.C.C. Related Skills: Due to the amount of time spent honing
their abilities, the character may only select six other skills from
the same list as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C. One of the skills must
be from Physical and another one must be from W.P.'s. Plus select one
additional skill at level three, two additional W.P.'s at level five,
and one other skill at levels six, nine, and twelve. All skills start
at level one proficiency.
Secondary Skills: Due to the amount of time spent honing their
abilities, the character may only select three secondary skills from
the same list as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Standard Equipment: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Money: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Cybernetics: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.
Experience Table: same as the basic Cyber-Knight O.C.C.