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By: PhyreCop1@aol.com
The Bugs from Starship Troopers They come from a planet that is mostly high desert and craggy, boulder-strewn mountains. Though they prefer an arid environment, they have also been found on nearly ever other type of planet, mostly those with forest, jungle and grassy plains. The various bug species seem to live in a multilateral hive community with a very structured caste system. The leaders of the hive are the Brain Bugs , a highly intelligent psionic creature with amazing abilities. They are assisted by the Tunneler Roaches. These also serve as the builder/maintenance personnel for the hive. The Warrior Bugs act as both heavy workers and infantry. The Tanker Bugs with their flaming acid are like huge tanks, moving across the terrain sweeping the way clear of enemies. The Hopper Bugs are like a short-range air force as well as a decent form of reconnaissance for the hive. The Plasma Bugs act as a planetary defense by filling the sky and orbital space with massive balls of organic plasma capable of destroying a medium-sized spaceship. Though similarities exist between the various bugs, it is believed that they are separate life forms and each caste species lays it's own eggs within the various chambers of the hive. The hive itself is a monumental construct in itself. A typical sized hive might cover 20-30 square miles of a planet, and descend as much as a mile below the surface. Some hives are rumored to be 10-20 times this size, though no one as yet has been able to document this.
Tunneler RoachesThese are the most prolific of the hive's population. Small hives will have between 4000 and 10,000 Tunnelers. Larger hives can have 50,000 to over 1 million! Their plate armor will be generally black with large washes of either red, brown, dark mustard-yellow, green or even blue. The reason for the color differences is not known. They do not display any behavior that would lead one to believe they have any pecking order or chain of command. They act as diggers, gatherers, soldiers, pack-animals and maintenance workers both inside and outside the hive. They escort the Brain Bugs whenever one feels the need to leave its chamber; and the Plasma Bugs whenever they are outside providing planetary defense. They are so numerous on some worlds and in some other dimensions that they are used as science experiments and biology dissection subjects by school children. NPC Villains --------- Not available as player
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