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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)
The Demon Entity is a very intelligent and powerful possessing entity. It relishes human torment and agony, and like other entities, it is a psychic vampire, feeding on the P.P.E. of its victim and those around it. Once it has possessed someone, the Demon Entity is in complete control of the body, leaving the original owner of the body helpless and powerless to do anything but watch the creature's mayhem through the victim's own eyes; a process that often drives the original owner savagely insane. Once the entity is in firm control of its new body, the body turns several shades darker, begins to grow curved horns, and the teeth elongate into fangs. This demonic transformation is permanent and cannot be reversed. The Demon Entity will then begin its chaotic and murderous binge of death and destruction. If the Demon Entity can be forced from the body (only Exorcism will work), the now murderously deranged original intellect gains control over the transformed body, and continues on the entity's rampage. A favourite tactic of the Demon Entity is to possess and transform one member of a party of adventurers, let the victim's friends capture the demon, and then leave that body (with the now murderously insane original occupant in control) to possess another member of the party. Demon EntityAlignments: Miscreant and diabolic only! |
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