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Collision Rules

By: The Darksphere Master (AEFIGUEROA@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu) and Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Moving Objects:

Damage is determined by the weight of the colliding objects. The damage is one point of S.D.C. for every ton the object weighs, with a minimum of 1D6 damage for things under 400 lbs. Items that weigh between 400 lbs and one ton do 2D6. Things that weigh over one ton do 2D8 damage for every five tons of weight (rounded up).

This damage is multiplied for every 10 MPH that the objects are moving, or divided if speed is under 10 MPH (target not moving would do one-tenth damage; minimum consideration of 1 MPH). The speed for the two items is added up, but the objects may damage each other differently depending on their differing weights.

See the M.D.C. vs. S.D.C. Objects chart below for the effects of collisions between M.D.C. objects and S.D.C. objects.

Example: Two vehicles strike each other, a 16-ton semi going 80 MPH and a 1 ton car going 50 MPH. The total speed in the collision is 130 MPH, so the damage will be multiplied by 13. The semi weighs 16 tons, so 8D8 is rolled and multiplied by 13 to determine how much damage the car takes. Because the car weighs one ton, the semi truck takes 2D6 x 13 S.D.C..


Dropped or Falling Objects:

Dropped or falling items do 1D10 S.D.C. per 100 lbs. This damage is added again for every 10 ft fallen, for a maximum of x 10 damage. See the M.D.C. vs. S.D.C. Objects chart below for the effects of impacts between M.D.C. objects and S.D.C. objects.


M.D.C. vs. S.D.C. Objects

M.D.C. Object
S.D.C. Object
M.D.C. Object
M.D.C. objects take 1/10th damage from other M.D.C. objects
S.D.C. objects take double damage from M.D.C. objects

M.D.C. objects take 1/20th damage from S.D.C. objects

S.D.C. Object
M.D.C. objects take 1/20th damage from S.D.C. objects

S.D.C. objects take double damage from M.D.C. objects

S.D.C. objects take full normal damage from other S.D.C. objects



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