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TK Revolver

By: Dustin M. Ramsey aka Kralizec! (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Any type of S.D.C. revolver (.38 Ruger, .357 Magnum, etc.) can be converted to Techno-Wizardry. Once converted, the weapon amplifies and directs telekinetic energy to fire bullet-hard bolts of force. Note: The TK bolts leave no telltale casings, bullets, or muzzle flash. Bolts that hit a target puncture or tear through it, but there is no physical round/bullet. Once it hits, the force bolt is gone.

Creation Costs:
P.P.E. Cost: 7 + 3 P.P.E. for each die of damage the weapon does, +10 P.P.E. for each additional payload of 6 shots.
Spells Needed: Telekinesis and Energy Bolt
Physical Requirements: one rose quartz worth at least 250 credits for each die of damage the weapon does, plus one diamond worth at least 1000 credits for each additional payload of 6 shots added to the weapon.
Level Requirements: None; a Techno-Wizard of any level can create this type of weapon. As the Techno-Wizard advances in experience, they may build the weapon with an additional payload-increasing diamond at levels 4 and 8.
Time: 1D4 hours per each crystal in the weapon

Usage of Converted Weapon:
Weight: Unchanged, only the weight of the ammo has been removed.
Mega-Damage: Same as the weapon's original S.D.C., but converted to M.D.
Rate of Fire: Unchanged
Maximum Effective Range: 1000ft (305m)
Payload: 6 shots, plus 6 additional shots for each extra 1000 credit diamond added. If the Techno-Wizard is of sufficiently high level when the weapon is built, a maximum of 12 shots can be added (giving the weapon a total payload of 18 shots).
Mega-Damage Capacity: Unchanged
Weapon Proficiency: Unchanged; WP Revolver (RIFTS Main Book, pg. 32)
Bonus to Strike: Unchanged
To Recharge: 8 P.P.E. for mages, 16 I.S.P. for psychics, or 7 P.P.E. for Techno-Wizards will completely recharge the weapon, regardless of its payload size or the amount of damage it inflicts.
Cost: Original cost of weapon, plus 8,000 credits per each crystal in the weapon.



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