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Advanced Impact Damage
Falls, Crashes, & Impacts by: Splynn
Cave-ins by: Intensity (
General tweaks and extra parts by: Dustin M. Ramsey
These rules were devised to more accurately reflect how characters
suffer S.D.C. damage while inside mega-damage armour and vehicles.
While most body armours and military vehicles are carefully designed
and padded so that the armour absorbs the majority of the damage, the
person inside is still rattled and slammed around. In most cases, the
damage suffered is minimal and leads to nothing more than a few
When a character is involved in a fall, high speed crash, or is
hit by mega-damage weapons, the following chart can be used to
determine (1) how much damage and (2) the chances of being stunned by
that damage. Naturally, the amount of damage taken and the chances of
being stunned are dependent on how well the character is protected
(not wearing armour, in body armour, in a small powered armour, in a
large powered armour, in a small robot vehicle, or in a large robot
Chance of Being Stunned*
High Speed Crashes
Impacts from MD Weapons **
Cave-Ins ****
High Speed Crashes
Impacts from MD Weapons **
Cave-Ins ****
No Armour
1 SDC/HP per 2ft fallen
1 SDC/HP per 2mph
None (target generally dead)
10 SDC/HP per floor/ton above
5% per 2ft
5% per 2mph
1% per 1 MD
20% per floor/ton above
Body Armour
1 SDC/HP per 5ft fallen
1 SDC/HP per 10mph
1 SDC/HP per 10 MD
5 SDC/HP per floor/ton above
4% per 5ft
5% per 5mph
1% per 10 MD
10% per floor/ton above
PAs < 10ft tall
1 SDC/HP per 10ft fallen
1 SDC/HP per 10mph above 15mph
1 SDC/HP per 20 MD
2 SDC/HP per floor/ton above
4% per 10ft fallen
5% per 10mph
10ft 1% per 15 MD
7% per floor/ton above
PAs > 10ft tall
1 SDC/HP per 20ft fallen
1 SDC/HP per 10mph above 20mph
1 SDC/HP per 25 MD
1 SDC/HP per floor/ton above
4% per 15ft fallen
5% per 15mph
1% per 20 MD
5% per floor/ton above
RVs < 10ft tall
1 SDC/HP per 30ft fallen***
1 SDC/HP per 15mph above 20mph***
1 SDC/HP per 35 MD***
0 SDC/HP per floor/ton above
4% per 25ft fallen***
5% per 25mph***
1% per 30 MD***
2% per floor/ton above
RVs > 10ft tall
1 SDC/HP per 40ft***
1 SDC/HP per 20mph above 25mph***
1 SDC/HP per 40 MD***
0 SDC/HP per floor/ton above
4% per 35ft***
5% per 30mph***
Not possible***
1% per floor/ton above
* Stun lasts 1D4 melees. After the initial stunned melees are
completed, the stunned victim rolls 1D20:
- If the roll is greater than the victim's ME (considered a
failed roll) add 1 more round of being stunned. If the number of
failed rolls exceed the victim's PE, then the victim falls
unconscious for 1D4 minutes
- If roll is less than the victim's ME, the victim can continue
with whatever actions they were doing, but with a -1 penalty on
all of their combat attributes (attacks per melee, initiative,
strike, parry, dodge, etc.)
** Modifiers to the amount of impact damage and chances of being
stunned depend on the type of attack:
- Punch/Physical Attacks: +25% from supernaturally strong; no
modifier from normal or robotic strength
- Explosion: +75% if hit directly; +50% if within blast
- Rail Gun/Auto Cannon: +25%
- Ion/Particle Beam: -25%
- Plasma: +10%
- Laser: -90%
*** If the occupants are not strapped down or buckled in,
determine the damage/stun by using the next smaller vehicle class on
the chart
**** All damage and stun percentages are in addition to those from
the fall (if applicable)
- 1 MDC is done for every 10 SDC of damage, that way MD critters
can't walk away from 300mph crash with just a scratch :)
- A successful Roll with Impact will reduce damage or
stun by 50%