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Palladium Books®,
Inc. - Press Release - October 9, 2001
Press Contact: Maryann Siembieda (
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Rifts® movie buzz
Since the rumors are starting to fly, we thought we should bring everybody up
to speed.
Palladium Books has been talking with a major Hollywood film producer and studio
regarding a Rifts® Movie.
There is no signed movie deal yet, but serious negotiations continue between
the film people and Palladium Books.
A while back, Palladium Books was contacted by Jerry Bruckheimer Productions.
It seems Rifts® somehow caught Mr. Bruckheimer's attention through a Rifts®
fan, and he fell in love with the concept and some of the key characters (O.C.C.s).
We have been engaged in serious "talks" and contract negotiations ever
Now this does NOT mean a Rifts® movie will ever get made, but the
Bruckheimer people are very interested in the Rifts® property. There are a
number of obstacles that need to be overcome before Palladium can sign any
agreement, but the Bruckheimer people seem confident that a deal can be hammered
out. Keep your fingers crossed.
We will keep you posted if an agreement is reached, but Hollywood bureaucracy
moves very slowly, so negotiations may continue for months or even years.
Jerry Bruckheimer has produced Pearl Harbor (released this past May) and such
action movies as Gone in Sixty Seconds, Con Air, Armageddon, The Rock, Top Gun,
and many more.
Surge Comic Properties is Palladium's New York City agent handling the
negotiations and all licensing deals concerning Rifts®. Mark Freedman and Surge
are most famous for their astute marketing of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles®
(movies, TV cartoon, toys, etc.).
Kevin and Maryann Siembieda are involved every step of the way.
Rifts® "licensed" products
Palladium contracted with Surge years ago to carefully and slowly expand
Rifts® beyond role-playing and into the mass market.
To that end, they are carefully looking for licensees to do action figures,
toys, electronic games, computer games, miniatures, model kits, comic books,
novels, and a host of other possible products. In fact, Palladium was just
recently approached by a company interested in doing a Rifts® on-line
role-playing game and we wait for their proposal.
Palladium and Surge are looking for serious people who want to create
quality, fun products that maintain the integrity of the Rifts® RPG world. The
good folks at Precedence became Palladium's first licensee because it was clear
the chief game designers knew and loved Rifts®, and everybody involved wanted
to do a great looking and fun playing product.
Precedence's Rifts® Collectable Card Game hit the store shelves
mid-September, and we are told is "selling great." Two expansion sets
of booster cards are already in the works. Quality and fun are always among
Palladium's top concerns when exploring any license.
Meanwhile, the Siembiedas remain focused on what they enjoy most, their core
business of producing popular role-playing games. In addition to a number of
exciting new products for the end of 2001, they plan to continue to support
Rifts®, The Palladium Fantasy RPG®, and Heroes Unlimited™ with three new
games slated for a 2002 release.
2001 Schedule of Releases
Available now!
- Rifts® CCG – From Precedence Entertainment
- Rifts® Coalition Wars™ Six: Final Siege
- Rifts® Game Master Guide. Just Shipped! Hot, hot, hot.
- Rifts® Book of Magic – at the printers! Ships October 26.
Another hot item!
- The Rifter #16 (the usual cool stuff) – October 26.
- After the Bomb® RPG -- November 16; still on schedule and hotly
- Rifts® Aftermath of War – Rescheduled to avoid delaying other
products. Probably a December 2001 or January 2002 release – the world
"after" the fall of Tolkeen and the Coalition Wars. We want to do
this one right.
- Rifts® Adventure Guide – Dec. 7; a guide to playing and running
Rifts®, creating adventures and bunches of tables, data, and tips on how to
do it.
- Land of the Damned™ One: The Northern Mountains – for Palladium
Rifts® Game Master Guide
The ultimate Rifts® reference available now!
This 352 page master sourcebook was delayed a few days due to a minor delay at
the printers. It was originally scheduled for Friday, September 28, but instead
shipped Friday, October 5.
Note: Many of you have upped your orders for what should be one of the
biggest selling Rifts® titles ever! However, some of you have ordered your
usual numbers, we suspect assuming that Palladium will have the book in stock.
WARNING: If the Rifts® Game Master Guide sells as well as we think it will,
Palladium may run out of stock quickly. To avoid getting caught short, get any
restock orders in quickly. Meanwhile, if we do run out, Palladium will do
everything in its power to get it back into print, post haste. The Rifts® Book
of Magic master sourcebook ships end of October and, we think, should sell
nearly as well.
- All skills listed and described.
- All psionic powers listed and described.
- All weapons – every gun – listed and described.
- All kinds of miscellaneous equipment.
- All body armor listed and descriptions.
- All power armor with condensed descriptions.
- All robot vehicles with condensed descriptions.
- All vehicles! Aircraft, boats, hovercycles, tanks, etc.; condensed
- Physical combat with clarifications and examples.
- Strength charts, bonuses and tables.
- S.D.C., combat and optional rules.
- Compendium (index) of characters; O.C.C.s, R.C.C.s, D-Bees and monsters.
- Every Experience table ever! 24 pages of them!!
- Rules clarifications, explanations and updates.
- Game Master tips and info on playing and running Rifts® adventures.
- 100 different adventure ideas in the world of Rifts®.
- 20 page mini-atlas of Rifts Earth, designer's notes and more.
- Cat. No. 845
- Retail Price: $24.95
- Page Count: 352 pages.
- Cover by: Dave Dorman.
- Interior Art: Perez, Breaux, Wilson, Johnson, Williams and Burles.
- Written by: Kevin Siembieda, Bill Coffin and others.
- Date of Release: Available now!
The Rifter #16 – Ships October 26
The Rifter® is a synthesis of Game Master and Players' Guide, talent show,
fan forum, sourcebook, news source and fun for fans of all of Palladium's
role-playing games. Done and at the printers!
Number Sixteen includes:
- Coalition Wars™ adventures for the Final Siege on Tolkeen.
- Questions & Answers.
- 30 big pages of source material for Nightbane®.
- Adventure for Ninjas & Superspies.
- Palladium Fantasy source material.
- "Teen" Heroes Unlimited™ rules for teen heroes.
- Rifts®, a new short story continues (part two of three).
- Rifts®, next chapter in the Hammer of the Forge (fiction).
- Palladium News & Coming Attractions and more.
- Cat. No. 116
- Retail Price: $7.95
- Page Count: 112 pages.
- Cover by: Scott Johnson
- Interior Art: Williams, Walpole, Breaux, Apollo and others.
- Written by: Siembieda, Coffin, and other contributors.
- Date of Release: October 26 (bumped back a week); ships with the Rifts®
Book of Magic.
Rifts® Book of Magic
A Game Master's Guide
October 26, 2001
A huge 352 page book that collects all the myriad types of magic, hundreds and
hundreds of spells, Techno-Wizard weapons, Rune weapons, magic vehicles, and
other magic items. Plus clarifications and details on the various magic
character classes. At the printers.
- Over 500 spells in one book! Ley Line Magic, Temporal Magic, Necromancy,
Elemental Magic, Stone Magic, Ocean Magic, Whalesongs and more.
- Techno-Wizard creations.
- Rune weapons and other magic items.
- Magic Tattoos, Shamanistic magic, and more.
- Rules clarifications, explanations and updates.
- Game Master tips and more!
- Cat. No. 848
- Retail Price: $24.95
- Page Count: 352 pages.
- Cover by: John Zeleznik.
- Interior Art: Perez, Breaux, Wilson, Johnson, Williams and Burles.
- Written by: Kevin Siembieda and others.
- Date of Release: October 26. At the printers.
After the Bomb® RPG – November 30
A complete role-playing game
Erick Wujcik, designer and author of the best selling Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtle role-playing game, has created a dynamic new RPG called After the Bomb®.
He has turned the old After the Bomb series into a stand alone role-playing game
that is as fresh and new for today's market as anything out there.
Better yet, it is a fresh new game that should have a powerful appeal to the
hundreds of thousands of old Ninja Turtles and original After the Bomb fans, as
well as players of Heroes Unlimited and Ninjas & Superspies.
Believe us when we tell you Erick has done it again – creating a game that
should be an instant best seller. After the Bomb Role-Playing Game is a complete
game in and of itself. Easy to learn and a blast to play. Everything one needs
to play except dice, players and imagination.
Highlights include:
- Nearly 100 mutant animals – more if you include the many additional
"breeds" tables.
- Expansive mutant animal section often divided into species, "pure
breed" and others.
- Over 40 mutant animal powers – many more if you include the weird
abilities exclusive to certain animal species, breeds and genetic
- Chimeras – super-mutants that are the product of genetic engineering.
- Mutant animal psionics.
- Human mutations.
- Optional appearance and background tables.
- World history and background information.
- More on the Empire of Humanity.
- More opportunity for adventure.
- Art by Ramon Perez, Scott Johnson, Freddie Williams and others.
- Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ 2nd Edition and Ninjas &
- Cat. No. 503
- Retail Price: $20.95
- Page Count: 224 pages.
- Cover by: Scott Johnson.
- Interior Art: Perez, Breaux, Wilson, Johnson, Williams and Burles.
- Written by: Erick Wujcik.
- Date of Release: November 30. On schedule.
Rifts® Adventure Guide – December 15
A Game Master and players' guide book to creating and running Rifts®
adventures, and how to build and run a campaign.
- Numerous tables for randomly rolling up people, organizations, and places.
- Quick roll villains – stats for the average NPC villain.
- Optional rules and background tables.
- More on Rifts Earth.
- Adventures, adventure ideas and more.
- Art by Ramon Perez, Scott Johnson, Freddie Williams and others.
- Cat. No. 849
- Retail Price: $16.95 (may be increased to $20.95 if page count is
- Page Count: 160 pages (may be expanded to 200+ pages).
- Cover by: John Zeleznik
- Interior Art: Perez, Breaux, Wilson, and Williams.
- Written by: Kevin Siembieda and Bill Coffin.
- Date of Release: December 15, 2001. On schedule.
Rifts® Aftermath of War ™
The final siege on Tolkeen represents a new beginning. A chance to
re-examine the world of Rifts® and see what has happened over the War Years
elsewhere, as well as ride the shock waves that follow the aftermath of the
- What will become of Minnesota?
- Where will the Coalition States strike next?
- What new plots of retribution are being forged in the wake of Tolkeen's
- Where does Free Quebec stand and what is its fate?
- How do the Cyber-Knights end up?
- What is going on with Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium?
- What has Archie Three been doing all this time?
- Will the Federation of Magic attack Chi-Town?
- How has Triax and the New German Republic been doing against the Gargoyle
- What new threats have appeared?
- These and other questions beg to be asked – and we plan to answer them
- Cat. No. 846
- Retail Price: $16.95 (may be increased to $20.95 if page count is
- Page Count: 160 pages (may be expanded to 200+ pages).
- Cover by: Dave Dorman.
- Interior Art: Perez, Breaux, Wilson, and Williams.
- Written by: Kevin Siembieda.
- Date of Release: December 2001 or January 2002.
Copyright 2001 Kevin Siembieda
This Press Release may be used and portions reprinted with
Palladium's permission for the purpose of news
and promotion. Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®,
Nightbane®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, After the Bomb® and
Megaverse® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda.
Cyber-Knights, Coalition Wars, Siege on Tolkeen, Eastern Territory, Northern
Hinterlands, Land of the Damned, Heroes Unlimited, HU2, Aliens Unlimited, The
Nursery, Mutant Underground, Coalition Wars, Wolfen, and other titles and names
are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books.