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By: Ismael Alvarez <>
You know you play Rifts too much when.....
- have more Rifts books than real books.
- you've made your own Net-book.
- you write a fanfiction type story about, and your a
professional writer.
- you ponder about how much S.D.C. or M.D.C. a certain object or
person may have.
- your in character a little too often.
- when you know more Rifts Earth Geography(or anything else)
more than real Earth Geography.
- your involved with political, social, and moral issues of
- your convinced Atlantis does exist, and the Splugorth are
after you.
- you think the novel "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" was about
the Lord of the Deep.
- you read the works Victor Lazlo so you can find Ley
- you carry dice with you to make decisions in your everyday
life (especially tests).
- you start worshiping an alien intelligence in hopes of getting
superhuman powers.
- you rate members of the opposite sex by P.B..
- you try and turn a weed-wacker into a TW invention.(much to
your parents' dismay)
- you gain the animosity of historians and those who know
extensive mythology by asking too many questions (yes, even old
people with nothing better to do).
- you start using PA calendars.
- you realize you need more skills, or you'll never be any kind
of O.C.C.
- you get tattoos for the sole purposes of claiming to be a
Tattooed Atlantean, and are convinced you'll live at least 500
- you won't go camping till you think you have enough wilderness
- you start getting Karl Prosek and Hitler mixed up, on school
- you go down to Mexico, but go crazy when customs takes away
your waterguns.
- you try and warn Quebec about its impending war.
- when asked race, you put (D-Bee of choice here) as your
- you avoid Chicago for fear of being persecuted.
- go into genetics studies so one day your own Sparky can be a
fierce Psi-hound.
- you go onto a missile test site, trying to prove your a M.D.C.
- you would trade your mother for a Glitter Boy power
- you would actually jump into a rift without any
- you wear any kind of Rifts related costume for Halloween.
- you wear the costume when its not Halloween.
- the people at Palladiums now refer to you by name.
- you've given more material to Palladiums than Kevin
- its actually been used.
- you prepare for the coming of the Rifts.
- you've led people to follow you in preparing for the coming of
the Rifts.
- you met your wife(or even a girlfriend) by playing
Rifts.(reverse as gender and lifestyle may warrant)
- you've ever fallen in love with an NPC.
- you've ever played a Rouge Scientist that could kill a Dragon
in hand to hand combat.
- you've ever used a Vagabond as a character, for any
- you got a vagabond character above level 10.
- you've ever engaged in sex, in game contexts.
- you've ever had to make a roll during this sex.
- you've gambled credits away.
- you've ever given the GM a bribe for furthering yourself in
the game.
- you are his main source of income.
- you come up with a YKYPRTMW list.
- you think you are a D-Bee.