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- Super Samas? Hmmph, all Samas' suck!
- He's unarmed? Ok, I want to kill him in hand to hand.
- I'll let it hit me, my armour has lots of MDC
- I'm saving that spell for when I REALLY need it.
- What new CS army?
- Phase Technology, why would I need that? My NG ion pistol
works just fine.
- Dragon, Schmagon, I've got a plan.
- Trust me, I know what I am doing.
- 30 seconds till the nuke goes off? Ah, plenty of time. I lean
back and crack open a beer.
- Xitixic are from the first book, before everything got
powerful, they're no threat.
- No worries, my E-clip is full.
- I go talk to the mysterious figure in the black cloak, sitting
at that table in the dark corner of the bar.
- Let me think about this for a second. What table in the dark
corner of the bar?
- Let me think about this for a second.
- Click? What click? I didn't hear anything?
- Don't worry, I've got the security systems skill.
- No prob, I'll only fail if I roll a 1.
- My gun does 4d6x1000 MD!!!! There is no way this guy is gonna
- Hey guys, look what I found! Mjolnir, Thor's hammer!
- Where did that Splugorth come from and why is he foaming at
the mouth?
- Don't worry, they wouldn't bother to trap this way in.
- We'll take them completely by surprise!
- Ok, this is what my character is gonna do. I'm gonna jump from
the plane, grab the Samas by its arm, put a fusion block in its
intake, jump away out of the blast radius, make my body flat so I
fall slower, then touch my summon griffon tatoo, land on it, and
fly away. (this has actually been attempted)
- Don't worry, hearing our plans won't affect what the GM does,
he is impartial!
- Hey there <insert your GM's name>, what are you grabbing
all those dice for?
- Hey there <insert your GM's name>, what are you grabbing
all those dice for?
- Let him cast the spell, it can't affect me.
- Psionics are nothing compared to my Robot's 600 missiles! Hey,
what does Tele-mechanics do anyways?
- They won't find us, I covered our tracks.
- <insert your GM's name>, you have no idea what you are
- Dude, I'd rather piss on your ashes than dance on your
- Your momma!
- Those vampires can't get in here, all we have to do is wait
till daylight. Hey, where did all this mist come from?
- I pull my gun before he draws his.
- Badges? We don' need no steenkeen badges!
- You want to try that stuff with me tough guy?
- CS juicers? Yeah right, those are illegal!
- <mutant character newly rifted from Heroes Unlimited>:
let's go to this Chi-Town everyone keeps telling us about. They
sound like good people.
- What do ya mean "my fly is down"? good people.
- What do ya mean "my fly is down"?
- Hah! My plane can fly faster than the missiles!
- Ever notice how the GM never makes any of our equipment break
- Stop whining, my 6th Sixth Sense power will give us plenty of
- He won't be expecting this!
- That's not what it says on page 65 of the rule book :P
- Don't forget, all body armour comes with radiation
- Time to sit back and have a smoke.
- Remember the Allamo!
- My character goes and hits on the good looking woman at the
bar <come on, we all know that women will be the death of us
- You worry too much, I checked out this cyber-doc's credentials
it isn't a chop shop...
- With this magic item, my character is now INVINCIBLE!
- Anyone else smell something burning?
- What does "engarde, my sword is a soudrinker" mean?
- Can't we all just get along?
- I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
- Ewwwww...look at me, I'm so scared.
- What kinda stupid name is "Pogtal" for a race?
- Now was it throw the grenade ON three, or count three THEN
throw it?
- So, like, are all you Amazons lesbians or what?
- Why did I have to put all my magic weapon tattoos on my
- Ok, so I was wrong, your gun IS bigger than mine...
- Uuuuuummmmmmmm...why didn't my missile hurt him?
- I think this is the way out...
- I'm gonna try and pick his pocket.
- Geeze, nothing seems to be a challenge for my 8th level
Cosmo-Knight anymore
- Are we gonna let him get away with saying that? LET'S GET HIM
- <1st level vagabond to Dog Boy> meet any good hydrants
- This isn't AD&D, nobody casts protective spells on their
- <in a secret note to GM> when it is my turn for guard
duty, I am going to sneak away with all the party's money.
- Oh yeah? I bet my character could kick your character's
- No sweat boys, my dodge bonus is high enough.
- <male player to female player> wanna go in the kitchen
and grab some chips for us? thanks babe.
- Guns don't jam in Rifts, look in the main book, there are no
rules for it.
- Oh shit.
- What are you guys afraid of? Its only a group of
- Hey kid, put that down, it's not a toy. ZAP!
- Man, even for a Dragon you're ugly.
- Women players don't have the right mentality to play
- How much? 750,000! For that piece of crap? Later ya cheat, you
aren't the only Splugorth arms merchant on Phase World.
- You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would ya?
- Allright, I've almost reached the top of the cliff. <to
GM> I just got to make one more climbing role, right?
- <player fighting Kittani serpent armour to GM> What do
ya mean they've got autododge?
- Ok, my city-rat sneaks up on Odin and gives him a death
- Come on, the campaign just started, you seriously think the GM
is going to throw anything hard at us this early?
- Geez I'm bored, when is it my turn to do something?
- Is it just me, or did it get real quiet all of a sudden?
- Ah, its just a red herring the GM made up to scare us.
- Fire elemental? No prob, I pull out my TW water pistol and
roll for initiative.
- <one player to another> NPC my character for a second, I
got to go to the bathroom.
- Lightning spells never strike the same place twice.
- My character has a horror factor, I'll try and scare the CS
troops away.
- I take my armour off and go to sleep.
- <player to GM> You want to know who was walking last in
the group?
- Glitterboys suck! They don't even get missiles!
- Honest, I wasn't reading the adventure. The book just fell off
the table and flipped to that page when I picked it up.
- How deadly can the Pecos Kingdom be, Palladium hasn't even
done a book on it yet!
- I go up to the crazy and play with the knobs coming out of his
- I don't care how much MDC it has, it shouldn't have pissed me
- Geez, does this GM ever like to power trip.
- I'm not leaving till I kill something.
- Are you looking at me?
- Ow.
- ALL D-Bees are Superior to humans, right?
- That's Cheap!
- I Tell the witch to suck On her third nipple.
- I leap through the rift.
- Mega juicer? No problem, I take out My Wilks laser pistol and
blow his fracking S.D.C. Head off.
- I try to Score with the blind warrior slaves of
- I tell him to kiss my @$$.
- <A D-Bee talking to the GM> Who cares about the CS? I
tell them I'm Just looking around.
- Its a Fireproof suit, And I'm Sure plasma is like M.D.
1 - 103 by the great Steven Trustrum,
104 - 112 by