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Statisti R.C.C.

By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Often called "Stats," because of their phenomenal mathematical abilities, these beings look virtually identical to humans even though they are actually D-Bees from another dimension. The Statisti place personal and clan honour above all else in their lives. A renegade, honourless Statisti is always killed on site.



Alignment: Most tend toward the honourable alignments of Principled Good, Unprincipled Selfish, and Aberrant Evil. Honourless renegades can be any alignment
Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated: I.Q.: 3D6+6, M.E.: 4D6, M.A.: 3D6, P.S.: 3D6, P.P.: 3D6, P.E.: 4D6, P.B.: 3D6, SPD.: 3D6
Hit Points: P.E. plus 1D6 per level
S.D.C.: 30 in addition to any bonuses gained from O.C.C. and skills.
Horror Factor: None
P.P.E.: 4D6
Natural Abilities: Exceptional mathematics (see skills), high physical and mental endurance, superior sense of hearing equal to cybernetic amplified hearing (see skills), and superior tactile sense (see skills).
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, and +2 to save vs. Horror Factor in addition to those bonuses gained from attributes, O.C.C., and skills.
Magic: By O.C.C.
Psionics: None
O.C.C.: Any O.C.C. (except Glitter Boy), including equivalents to the CS Military. However, while the Statisti are not necessarily opposed to bionics and cybernetics, they never go for more than partial conversion. Note: reduce the number of O.C.C. Related skills by one-half to reflect the time spent honing the character's natural abilities.
Skills of Note: Speaks and is literate in Statisti at 98%, speaks one additional language at 90%, plus select one additional W.P.

  • Exceptional Mathematics: A natural ability to automatically understand and perform advanced mathematics in one's mind with the accuracy and speed of a calculating machine. This includes simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and so on. Base Skill: 80% +4% per each level of experience.
  • Remember Numbers: Part of their phenomenal mathematics skill is the ability to picture and remember numbers instantly and permanently. This includes phone numbers, addresses, combination lock sequences, and so on. The total recall ability is restricted exclusively to numbers. Base Skill: 76% +4% per additional level of experience. A failed roll means the number is forgotten.
  • Additional Bonuses: Mathematical: +10% Cryptography, +5% Pick Locks, +5% Locksmith, +10% Chemistry, and +10% Chemistry: Analytical.
  • Estimate Distance of a Sound: 60% +5% per level of proficiency.
  • Estimate Speed of Sound's Approach or Departure: 50% +5% per level.
  • Recognize a Sound Through Intense Concentration: 40% +5% per level of experience.
  • Imitate a Voice: 35% +5% per level of experience.
  • Additional Bonuses: Superior Sense of Touch: +10% to skills that require a delicate, light touch. For example: Demolitions, Pick Pocket, Pick Lock, Palming, etc.

Average Life Span: 150 years.
Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered an alien or D-Bee on RIFTS Earth.
Enemies: Non per se. May associate with anyone.
Allies: Non per se. May associate with anyone.
Physical Appearance: These D-Bees are virtually identical to humans. While their skin colour tends to be more ashen in shade, the most obvious difference between Statisti and Humans is the fact that the Statisti have an additional opposable thumb on each hand.
Size: 6ft (1.82m) plus 1D6 inches.
Weight: 150 to 300lbs (68 to 136kg).



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