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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (
These fearless and incredibly vicious pack hunters are originally
from the Pogtal homeworld, where like their Dragonslayers masters,
the Kontag Maulers evolved as natural predators of the dragons. Born
with a high natural resistance to magic, preternatural strength, a
cunning intellect, and lethal grace, the Kontag Mauler's most
impressive asset is its anti-magic breath weapon.
Kontag Mauler
Alignments: Animal; generally considered to be anarchist or
Attributes: I.Q.: High animal intelligence: 2D6,
M.E.: 3D6+6, M.A.: 2D6, P.S.: 4D6+12,
P.P.: 3D6+12, P.B.: 2D6, P.E.: 4D6+14,
Spd: 6D6+20
Hit Points: Considered to be a supernatural creature in RIFTS
S.D.C.: See M.D.C.
M.D.C.: 6D6 x 10 + P.E.
Horror Factor: 10 individually, or 14 for packs greater than
10 members.
P.P.E.: 4D6
Natural Abilities: See the invisible, nightvision 600ft,
exceptionally keen day vision, very acute hearing (roughly equivalent
to cybernetic amplified hearing), impervious to magic fire, resistant
to heat and cold (takes 1/2 damage from even mega-damage fire and
cold attacks), and bio-regenerates 2D6 M.D.C. per hour. They have
supernatural strength and endurance, and have a high resistance to
magic. Additionally, they can sense magic and psychic energy
identical to the Psi-Stalker (see RIFTS, page 105).
The Kontag Mauler's most impressive weapon is its anti-magic
breath weapon. Used on the Pogtal homeworld to render their dragon
prey powerless before moving in for the kill, this miniature
anti-magic cloud covers a 10ft by 10ft area for five minutes, and can
be used once each melee. When multiple Maulers use their powerful
breath attacks together, the clouds 'stick together' and cover a
larger area.
Combat: Four attacks per melee.
Damage: Supernatural P.S. See Rifts Conversion Book One, page
22. Bite: 4D6 M.D.
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +3 to
dodge, +4 to save vs. magic, and +6 to save vs. magic illusion. (In
addition to attribute bonuses).
Psionics: None.
Average Life Span: Thirty years. A female Kontag Mauler will
give birth to 1D4 pups every year.
Skills of Note: Land Navigation 76%, Track by Smell 80%, Track
by Sight 88%
Habitat: Dense jungle inhabited by supernatural and magical
Enemies: Any and all supernatural creatures and mages.
Allies: None per se.
Size: 5ft tall at the shoulders.
Weight: 200 to 400lbs.
Notes: Kontag Maulers hunt in packs of 1D4 x 10 members.