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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)
CornucopiaRange: 10ft (3m) Invoking this spell causes a swirling mist of mystic ectoplasm to form. After several seconds, the ectoplasm solidifies into an oversized wicker or goat's horn. This mystic horn of plenty contains fresh, raw fruits, vegetables, and grains of the mage's choosing, up to 2lbs (.9kg) per level of experience. Once the horn has been emptied of its contents, it turns back into ectoplasm and evaporates. The produce taken from the cornucopia are nutritious, full of flavour, and of top quality. Using this spell, a few mid-level mages could feed an entire town or a small army of vegetarians. Note: Practitioners of Conjuring, Earth Elemental Magic, and Nature Magic can create 50% more food for the same P.P.E. cost, while Biomancers can create twice the normal amount of food for the same P.P.E.
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