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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)
A great katana sword, Hephaestus was forged from a single piece of dark red metal. The weapon is very ornate and covered from hilt to sword tip in scarlet runes. Hephaestus has a very somber personality, and feels quite strongly that its owner should follow the same code of honour that Hephaestus followed in life. If an owner breaks Hephaestus's code, then the sword will go incommunicado until the owner atones for their wrong and regains their honour. Standard Abilities:
Greater Abilities:
Curse: Glow To break the curse, two things must happen. First, the weapon's owner must intentionally throw it away, sell it, give it away, or otherwise dispose of the rune sword. This can also be accomplished if the weapon is lost or stolen. The second step is to have a Remove Curse spell cast on the former owner (even then the curse is +8 to save). If the curse fails its saving throw, the curse has been removed from the person. Note: Even after the curse has been removed from the rune weapon's former owner, any insanities that may have resulted from the curse will remain until cured (if a cure is even possible) by years of therapy from a medical professional. The cursed rune weapon will, of course, continue to inflict its enchantments on every "new" owner who claims it. |
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