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Create Milk and Honey

By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Create Milk and Honey

Range: 10ft (3m)
Duration: Instant and permanent.
Saving Throw: Not Applicable
P.P.E.: 15
Mystic Discipline Limitations: Only practitioners of Africian Chant Magic, Biomancy, Common Spell Magic, Conjuring, Earth Elemental Magic, Ocean Magic, and Nature Magic can learn this spell.
Level: 5

Casting this spell causes a teaming swirl of mystic ectoplasm to form.  After several seconds, the ectoplasm solidifies into a 1 gallon (3.7 litre) jug of milk, a 1lbs (.45kg) loaf of bread, and a 8oz (226g) pot of honey.  Each level of experience allows the mage to create an additional jug of milk, loaf of bread, and pot of honey, so a level ten practitioner could create 10 jugs of milk, 10 loaves of bread, and 10 pots of honey.  The food is very tasty and when eaten in sufficient quantity, can provide an entire day's worth of nutrition.  Once the last of the milk or honey are eaten or removed from their containers, they turn back into ectoplasm and evaporate.  Using this spell, a few mid-level mages could feed an entire town or small army. 

Note: Practitioners of Conjuring, Earth Elemental Magic, and Nature Magic can create 50% more food for the same P.P.E. cost.



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