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By: Wayne Braden II (dracox@globaldsl.net) and Dustin
M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)
The biggest advantage to this system is that with it, initiatives actually count for something! Another nice feature of this advanced system is that it helps to keep everyone's attacks distributed throughout the melee (as opposed to the existing Palladium system where everyone acts on the first few attacks of the melee, but then towards the end of the melee, a few characters [usually in power armour] keep attacking when everyone else has run out of attacks). We have been using this initiative system for several years now, and all of our fellow gamemasters and players love it! If you have any questions about this system, or if you would like me to explain the details of any part of the system, please do not hesitate to contact either of us!
1. Roll initiative as usual on 1D20. 2. Add any applicable initiative modifiers. 3. Divide the total initiative number by the character's number of attacks. The resulting number indicates how many initiative numbers or segments will pass between the character's actions. Example: A character with 3 attacks per melee rolls a 14 for their initiative and has a +1 bonus. 15 divided by 3 is 5, so the character goes on initiative segments 15, 10, and 5 (or every five actions, counting down from their initiative roll). If the number rolled is less than or equal to the number of attacks, then the character acts on every segment from one on up to their initiative number. Example: A character has 5 attacks per melee, and rolls an initiative of 5, so she would act on initiatives 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Even if she rolled a 3, she would still act on those same numbers, as she could never act later than initiative 5. If the initiative number rolled (plus modifiers) is not equally divisible by the number of actions, then round the individual initiative segment numbers down to the nearest whole number. Example: an initiative of 17 divided by 3 attacks is 5.666, so the character would act on initiative segments 17, 11.33, and 5.666. After rounding the individual segment numbers down, the character would act on segments 17, 11, and 5. 6. After all initiatives have been determined for both the players and NPC's, the GM starts counting down from the highest initiative to the lowest initiative, with the players acting on each of their initiative numbers. If a dodge is used, then the character's next initiative segment is marked off. Example: 5. Once everyone has used all of their attacks, re-roll initiative for next round.
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