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Thaumaturgic Cooking

By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Thaumaturgic Cooking (Spell and Ritual)

Range: Touch, or 3ft (.9m)
Duration: Instant and permanent.
Time Required to Cast: One melee for the spell, or 6D6 minutes for the ritual version.
Saving Throw: Not Applicable
P.P.E.: 12
Mystic Discipline Limitations: Only practitioners of Africian Chant Magic, Biomancy, Common Spell Magic, Conjuring, Earth Elemental Magic, Ocean Magic, and Nature Magic can learn this spell.
Level: 4

This enchantment transforms simple ingredients into a delicious meal, with no cooking skill required!  By merely touching or gesturing at the food ingredients and then the serving ware, the caster can turn up to 1lbs (.45kg) per level of experience of raw foodstuffs into a tasty, fully cooked meal.  The ritual version of the incantation (often performed with great flourish and pomp) will transmute up to 10lbs (4.5kb) per level of experience of ingredients into a sumptuous feast.  With this spell, hot meals are made without need of flame or heat and chilled items are created without need of ice or refrigeration.  The final product of the spell is limited only by the user's imagination and raw ingredients.  As an example, if the mage had some eggs, a hunk of bread, a raw ham hock, and some milk, this spell could create a simple eggs-and-bacon breakfast or a scrumptious eggs benedict.

Mages who know this spell often own several cooking tomes or recipe books, because if the caster can acquire all of the proper ingredients, this spell can be used to create anything in the book!  One should remember that while this incantation eliminates the need for food preparation, cook ware (mixing bowls, baking pans, hot griddles, etc.), and the actual cooking or cooling of the food, this spell does not create any ingredients (so keeping a supply of salt, pepper, herbs, and spices is handy), and the mage will still need serving and table ware.  Attempting to use this spell without serving ware to hold the finished product can lead to a very big mess.  Use of the Thaumaturgic Cooking spell by a clever mage may be the origin of the Stone Soup fable.

Note: The Conjurer can cast this spell at half the P.P.E.



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