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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)
This alien insect resembles a giant crystalline butterfly. Ranging in hue from soft pink and ruby to emerald and sapphire, this lovely creatures' delicate wings defract light like a prism, casting beautiful rainbows where ever it flies. Yet despite its gentle beauty and the dazzling symphony of light that it creates as it flies, it hides a dark secret. When it is ready to lay its eggs, the Glitterfly uses the kaleidoscope of swirling, changing colours caused by its flight to mentally stun any being that beholds it. Once its victim is stunned, the Glitterfly flutters over and appears to perch itself on the victim's head for a few seconds before flying off into the jungle. Sounds rather innocent, enh? Nothing could be farther from the truth! In reality, while the Glitterfly is sitting atop its victim, it is laying a dozen microscopic eggs on the unwitting host's head. The eggs hatch within 1D4 days of being layed, and the tiny, microscopic larva burrow down into the head and begin devouring the host's brain. After 2D4 weeks of this (subtract 1 from the victim's I.Q., M.E., and M.A. each week), the host will die. Once the host is dead, the now worm-sized larva burrow their way out of the cranium of the victim, craw up the nearest tree, and spin themselves a cocoon, where they will stay for 3D4 days before emerging a fully grown Glitterfly.
GlitterflyAlignments: Considered anarchist or miscreant. Bedazzle/Mentally Stun: victim must roll a save vs. mental
stun, 15 or higher, plus any bonuses to save vs. insanity. If the
save is failed, then the victim is mentally stunned (totally
helpless; cannot even speak) by the dazzling colours of the
Glitterfly for 1D4 melees. |
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