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Armour Penetration Rules

By: Splynn (thoth@netside.com)

These charts only apply when the character is taking damage from weapons, magic, or psionics that inflict enough M.D.C. to penetrate their armour and kill them. In all cases, the damage will be enough to totally destroy the area indicated on the chart, and the character must make a save vs. coma/death (without benefit of bonuses) to avoid falling into a coma.

Any armour-penetrating damage resulting from ballistic or melee weapons will cause massive internal bleeding. (Due to the self-cauterizing nature of energy weapons, they do not cause internal bleeding.)

Body Armour Penetration For Humanoids

01-50 Main Body*
51-72 Legs (D6; 1-3 Right; 4-6 Left)
73-88 Arms (D6; 1-3 Right; 4-6 Left)
89-92 Hands (D6; 1-3 Right; 4-6 Left)
93-00 Head+

* - Roll on Main Body Penetration Table
+ - This means instant death for the character unless GM deems otherwise.

Main Body Penetration Table

01-04 Neck*
05-20 Lung (D6; 1-3 Right; 4-6 Left)+
21-45 Liver, Rt. Kidney
46-70 Stomach, Spleen, and Pancreas
71-86 Small Intestine
87-98 Large Intestine
99-00 Heart

* - Roll a D100, a roll of 01-50 character can be saved; 51-00 death.
+ - Roll a D100, a roll of 75-00 means heart is hit and character is dead.



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