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Yautja Weapons

By: Gwilym Croucher (vaughan_croucher@cit.act.edu.au)

Yautja Hunter Spear Staff

The Spear Staff is a six foot long combat weapon used in melee and ritual combat. It has a spear shaped blade on either end that are actually energized with laser beams. It is telescopic and can retract into a foot long rod.
Length: 6ft (1.8m) when full length, 1ft (.3m) when retracted
Weight: 6.5lbs (3kg)
Mega-Damage: 1D8 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage Capacity: 20 M.D.C.
Weapon Proficiency: depending on how it is used, WP Staff (Japan, pg. 190) or WP Spear (Japan, pg. 189)


Naginta - Yautja Hunter Blade Staff

The Naginta is much like the Spear Staff in that it is a laser-bladed staff. The Yautja Blade Staff has a spear like blade on one end (like the Spear Staff) and a scimitar like bade on the other. It is not retractable.
Length: 6.5ft (2m)
Weight: 8lbs (3.6kg)
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage Capacity: 25 M.D.C.
Weapon Proficiency: WP Staff (Japan, pg. 190)


Yautja Hunter Vibro Disc

The Vibro Disc was designed for throwing or cutting. It is griped with five fingers through holes in the top, and when released, it flies like a frisbee.
Diameter: 8.5in (22cm)
Weight: 2lbs (.9kg)
Mega-Damage: 1D10 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage Capacity: 5 M.D.C.
Weapon Proficiency: WP Archery & Targeting (Main Book, pg. 32) or WP Small Thrown Weapons (Japan, pg. 190)


Yautja Net Thrower

This cone-like weapon fits in the hand and throws a net on a target. When fired, it automatically wraps a net around the target and renders them immobile.
Length: 6in (16cm)
Weight: 2lbs (.9kg)
Payload: 1 shot
Mega-Damage: 1D4 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage Capacity of Net: 8 M.D.C. (super steel fibre)
Mega-Damage Capacity of Gun: 14 M.D.C.
Weapon Proficiency: WP Revolver (Main Book, pg. 32)


Wrist Blades

These are the double blades the Yautja wear on each arm. The blades are used to slash and stab and opponent. In the Yautja culture, killing an opponent with the wrist blades is considered the most honourable way to kill.
Length: 8in (20cm)
Mega-Damage: 1D6+1 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage Capacity: 10 M.D.C.
Weapon Proficiency: WP Sword (Main Book, pg. 32)


Yautja Dart Thrower

This is a set of wrist blades that can be fired like darts. They are made from super-strong steel and are fired at high velocity.
Length: 7.5in (19cm)
Weight: the firing mechanism weighs .9lbs (400g), and each dart weighs 1.75oz (50g)
Mega-Damage: 1D10 M.D.C.
Payload: 2 darts
Maximum Effective Range: 350ft (110m)
Mega-Damage Capacity: 1 M.D.C.


Yautja Wrist Blaster

This is the Yautja's backup weapon, used in case the Burner is not working. The Blaster is mounted on the wrist units along with the darts, blades and net. The Blaster is not as powerful as the shoulder mounted plasma ejector.
Weight: 5lbs (2.26kg)
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per shot.
Rate of Fire: can fire single shots only
Maximum Effective Range: 4000ft (1220m)
Payload: effectively unlimited; draws power from the armour
Mega-Damage Capacity: 16 M.D.C.
Weapon Proficiency: WP Energy Pistol (Main Book, pg. 33)


For additional Yautja information, see the Yautja Hunter R.C.C. or the Yautja Starship.

I am striving to create ideas, equipment and characters that make the Rifts gaming Megaverse more interesting and challenging for everybody. I agree with the 'overtly powerful makes the game crapy' philosophy and try to stick by it (most of the time). If you would like to e-mail me and give me comments, suggestions, complaints and ideas you are most welcome.


Gwilym Croucher (vaughan_croucher@cit.act.edu.au)


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1995, Gwilym Croucher.



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