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Palladium Fantasy RPG,
2nd Edition Errata
Later printings of the book will contain the following
clarifications and missing items:
Occupational Character Classes:
Long Bowman O.C.C.:
When using a Log Bow, the Long Bowman gains +1 to strike at
levels 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, and 13.
Monk O.C.C.:
The Warrior Monk's Spirit Strike uses up 3D6 P.P.E. (roll 3D6
and subtract from the Monk's P.P.E. reserve).
Palladin O.C.C.:
The Palladin's Demon Death Blow uses up 2D6 P.P.E. (roll 2D6
and subtract from the Palladin's P.P.E. reserve).
Weapon Proficiencies:
There were two missing WPs in the 2nd edition, they are as
W.P. Battle Axe:
+1D6 damage at level two, +1 to strike at levels, 1, 3, 5, 8,
12 and 15; +1 to strike when thrown or to parry at levels 2, 4, 8
and 12 (not designed for throwing).
W.P. Pole Arm:
+2 damage at levels 2 & 8; +1 to strike and parry at
levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12; +1 to strike when thrown at levels 3, 7
and 12 (not designed for throwing).
W.P. Lance for the Knight & Paladins can be found
with their OCCs. The Way of the Lance.
The S.D.C. of Shields:
Wood & Leather
Characters with W.P. Shield get +1 to parry at levels 1, 3, 6,
9, 12, and 15. A shield can be used in one hand and a weapon in
the other. +1 to strike with shield (1D4 damage) at levels 4,8,
and 12. There are no bonuses to strike when thrown.
Palladium Armor Notes:
The SDC for Hard Leather armor (full suit) should be
The SDC for a half suit of Soft Leather is 10; A.R. 6
The SDC for a half suit of Hard Leather is 12; A.R. 8
The SDC for a half suit of Studded Leather is 20; A.R. 9
A half suit of padded, quilt or cloth isn't worth the while.
A Note About Nightowls ...
The Nightowls Natural Abilities list bio-regeneration at
4D6 M.D. per minute ... It should have been 4D6 S.D.C.
Magic and MD fire ... should be Magic and SDC fire ...
Same goes for their combat damage the claw strike should be 2D6
SDC not MD.
A Note About Elves ...
One of the natural abilities of the Palladium Elf
is to see in total darkness; nightvision 60 feet (18.3 m).
Somehow, this was omitted.
A few spells that got missed ...
Fleet Feet
Range: Self or other by spell or ritual up to
20ft away
Duration: Two melee rounds per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 20
Level: 6th level Wizard spell
Fleet feet is an extremely popular and powerful magic spell.
Its popularity and commonness that makes it a 6th level
The incantation doubles the physical prowess, speed and
mobility of the enchanted person for 30 seconds (2 melee
rounds) per level of the spell caster. This means the
character's speed and P.P. are doubled (providing increased
P.P. bonuses to strike, parry and dodge) and perhaps most
notably, the character's attacks per melee round are all
doubled for the duration of the spell.
While the character is a veriable whirlwind of action, the
enchantment does have some drawbacks. The character is moving
so fast and doing so much that the character is -2 on
initiative and not likely to see a surprise attack coming (in
most cases, a surprise attack or strike from behind is
automatic). Furthermore, the performance of delicate skills
like picking locks or pockets, carving, writing, etc., are all
at -20% and the character cannot control his precise
Mask of Deceit
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Everybody who encounters the magically
disguised character gets to save vs magic, but are -4 to
succeed. A successful save means the true features are seen,
not the mask.
P.P.E.: 15
Level: 6th Level Wizard spell.
The spell magically creates an illusionary mask over the
person's own facial features. AGe, gender, skin color, hair,
hair length, and specific features are composed by the thoughts
of the spell caster. However, the magic is limited to facial
features and does not apply to any other part of the body, nor
does it add to one's height. The mage can attempt to imitate a
specific person's face, but has a mere 20%+3% per level of
experience success rate. The disguise skill adds a bonus of
Radiate Light
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Not applicable.
P.P.E.: 8
Level: 3rd level Wizard spell and 2nd level Air Warlock
The spell causes the character's entire body to glow with an
illumination equal to 10 candles, but is gentle to the eyes.
The light can be used to shed light on the area around the
character like a lantern without the flickering. The light also
has a calming effect and adds +1 to the charisma of the
character who is aglow.
Strength of Utgard Loki
Range: Self or other up to 30ft away
Duration: Two melees per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Not applicable.
P.P.E.: 15
Level: 5rd level Wizard spell.
Utgard Loki is a giant sorcerer of legend from some unknown
dimension. When the spell is invoked it endows the spell caster
with the giant's powers:
- +5 to all saving throws
- +6 damage
- +5 dodge
- Raises P.E. and SPD to 24, and P.S. to 21
- +1 attack