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Tractator the Terrible: A Rune Weapon

By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Tractator the Terrible is a very large Scimitar-style sword forged from a single slab of iridescent smoky marble. It is very ornate, with many black etchings and symbols covering it from curved tip to tapered handle.

Deranged in life, the transformation from Gargoyle Lord to indestructible rune weapon has only made Tractator that much more insane. Everywhere Tractator looks, he sees a tangled web of conspiracy targeted against him, his owner, and all Gargoyles throughout the Megaverse. Once Tractator is telepathically linked with his owner, he will constantly tell them about every little detail of the conspiracy, and about what will happen if the conspiracy is left unchecked.

Standard Abilities:

  1. Independent personality with an IQ 10.
  2. Communicate through limited telepathy.
  3. Totally indestructible, the blade never dulls or dents.
  4. Made of a smoky marble and lined from tip to handle with black runes.
  5. Does 5D6+6 M.D. from physical blows. Can actually be used to parry energy blasts (-6 to parry, very difficult).
  6. Link itself with owner/wielder within six months of constant contact. Thus man and weapon can sense each other's presence within a four mile (6.4km) radius if separated.
  7. Adds +1 to all saving throws.
  8. Anarchist selfish in nature, it can only be used by those of selfish or miscreant alignments. Persons not of a compatible alignment take 1D8 S.D.C. (3D6 M.D. if a mega-damage creature) each time they touch the weapon.


The victim of this curse will always be uncomfortably warm, even if they are sitting in a cold bath. While uncomfortable, this curse has no other side-effects, except the person may catch a cold from wearing too few clothes.

To break the curse, two things must happen. First, the weapon's owner must intentionally throw it away, sell it, give it away, or otherwise dispose of the sword. This can also be accomplished if the weapon is lost or stolen. The second step is to have a Remove Curse spell cast on the former owner (even then the curse is +10 to save). If the curse fails its saving throw, the curse has been removed from the person. Note: Even after the curse has been removed from the sword's former owner, any insanities that may have resulted from the curse will remain until cured (if a cure is even possible) by years of therapy from a medical professional. The cursed sword will, of course, continue to inflict its enchantment on every "new" owner who claims it.



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