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Combat Sniper Skill

By: Shawn Merrow (ShawnM011D@aol.com)

Combat Sniper - New Military Skill

This is a new sniper skill. It costs two other skill selections to get and must be selected separately for each weapon proficiency. For example if a player wanted it for W.P. Bolt Action Rifles and W.P. Energy Rifles the skill would have to bought twice. Note: This skill can only be used with weapons that can fire single shots. In other words no firing bursts or full auto. Also it can only be used with ranged weapons. Its called Combat Sniper to make it easier to tell from the Sniper skill in the main book.

Another thing I think should be done is have a distance penalty. For every 500 ft. the target is away a -1 to strike is applied (any scope or sight modifiers or added after this). The reason for that is at long range the target will be harder to see and you have to account for the effects of the environment on the shot (wind, gravity, etc.). It also takes four melee rounds (60 seconds) to get prepared to take a shot. For every melee round less then three a -1 is applied. It can never be done in one melee round since that is not enough time to position the rifle and get in the right mind set. The reason for this is the sniper needs to be relaxed so the weapons can be held steady and be able to concentrate on the target to make it die! Preferably in one clean shot.

Note: For skill selection purpose this is a military skill. So if a O.C.C. can't normally get skills from the military list they can't get this one.

  1. +3 to Strike on aimed shots.
  2. -
  3. Critical Strike on a unmodified 19-20
  4. -
  5. +1 to Strike on aimed shots.
  6. Critical Strike on a unmodified 18-20
  7. -
  8. +1 to Strike on aimed shots.
  9. Critical Strike on a unmodified 17-20
  10. It know only takes three rounds prep time to fire.
  11. +1 to Strike on aimed shots.
  12. Critical Strike on a unmodified 16-20
  13. -
  14. +1 to Strike on aimed shots.
  15. Critical Strike on a unmodified 15-20

© 1999 Shawn Merrow. Thanks to bertra02@potsdam.edu (Wachunga), cindgulb@enoreo.on.ca (Wade Gulbrandsen), rchaulk@efni.com (CowMan) whose suggestions made this skill better.



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