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By: Kitsune (Kitsune@vabch.com)
Hand Held Equipment: Handheld Gravitic Scanner The engineers in Three Galaxies have developed equipment that would be considered incredible when compared to the equipment available on Rifts Earth. An example is the Handheld Gravitic Scanner. It fills the same role as ultrasonic scanning does now, plus much more. It is useful for detecting hidden objects and compartments, stress cracks, and even invisible targets. The system can even be used for mapping spaces and gives exact dimensions. Up to 48 hours of scan data can be stored before the system runs out of storage space. The system can plug into an Holographic Personal Computer and most other computer systems. Two types are available: a civilian and a military version. The military version has the same has the same features and abilities, but is able to take much sturdier than the civilian model. Scanning Range: 164 feet (50 meters) Weight: Civilian: 2.2 lbs (1 kg), Military: 3.3 lbs M.D.C.: Civilian: 10, Military: 25 Bonuses: +10% to detect concealment, electrical skills, mechanical skills, and demolitions disposal skills. +5% to medical skills. Allows the detection of invisible targets unless they are invisible against gravitic sensors. Market Cost: Civilian: 10,000 credits , Military: 20,000 credits
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