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Difference Between
RIFTS, PFRPG, Robotech, and BTS Characters
By: Khaine <>
The difference between RIFTS, PFRPG, Robotech, and BTS
When confronted with an obviously evil villain, the characters
PFRPG: Draw their swords, shout the battle-cry of
their chosen god, and spur their horses into battle.
RIFTS: Sit down with the villain, have a cup of tea, and
ask whether he needs any help with his villainy.
Robotech: Fire more missiles than could POSSIBLY,
physically, fit on that mech.
BTS: Flee the scene, the villain is obviously too powerful
to defeat.
When confronted with a noble (cyber-)knight, the characters
PFRPG: Talk, find out whether there any evils that
need slaying, and generally compliment one another.
RIFTS: Draw their guns, shout the battle-cry of their
chosen dark god, and spur their hover-cycles into battle.
Robotech: Make fun of him, and probobly step on him by
BTS: Flee the scene, as its obviously a trick; the knight
is possessed or something.
When first going into a small town, the characters
PFRPG: Inquire if the town has any problems that
need solving, and could spare them a few meals in exchange.
RIFTS: Extortion, Strong-arming, out and out
depends whether their in a good mood or not.
Robotech: 1) Inquire whether the town has any protoculture
or missiles, as both are always in short supply (and are seemingly
interchangeable) and 2) An invid trap! Fire missiles!
BTS: Carefully look around for the (pick one) *horrible
demon, evil witch, sorcerer, dark secret, basement full of bodies,
long lost artifact, or other*. Once they find it, they will flee
the scene.
When confronted with a sleazy guy named "Slick" who
claims to have a job for them, the characters will:
PFRPG: Cheerfully walk along, going whereever
Slick wants them to, anxious to right wrongs and fight evil.
RIFTS: Carefully walk along, following Slick, anxious to
right wrongs (i.e. credits not belonging to them) and fight evil
(i.e. someone crappy with good stuff to grab)
Robotech: Never trust a man named "Slick."
BTS: Go with Slick, but make a such a fuss over object
reading and investigating every little thing they come across that
he eventually leaves them in disgust. Once he is safely out of
sight, they flee the scene.
When "Slick" decides the sell them into slavery, the
characters will:
PFRPG: Be outraged, and begin planning how to
escape and bring the slavers to the proper authorities.
RIFTS: Whip out huge weapons and lay waste to a six mile
Robotech: Would not have gone with Slick, and even if they
did, its kinda hard to sell a fifty foot mech into slavery.
BTS: The characters are so wimpy that the slavers find no
possible use for them, and they succesfully flee the scene.
After obtaining an artifact of unbelievable power, the
characters will:
PFRPG: Return it to the temple of a noble
RIFTS: Get into a fight over who gets to keep it.
Robotech: "What's this? An human-sized axe, with runes or
something? Piece of junk..." *Throws over shoulder*
BTS: Slowly go for the door, watching the artifact for
sudden moves. Once at the door, they flee the scene.
After the artifact of incredible power turns out to be cursed,
the characters will:
PFRPG: Take the artifact all the way to Mount
Dread, and throw it in the pool of molten cheese, destroying it
RIFTS: 1) "Ah well, what can you do..." *Goes on slaying
foes and gradually becoming evil. Once fully converted into a
demon, procedes to destroy evil demon lord and conquer Megaverse.*
or 2) Pawn it.
Robotech: "Curse?" *Looks around* "I don't belive in
curses..." *Crushes the artifact as he walks on.*
BTS: "What else is new?" *Flees the scene.*
When confronted by an enemy with superior numbers or firepower,
the characters will:
PFRPG: Prepare a clever plan to outwit the enemy,
and defeat them in an epic battle.
RIFTS: It's all about fusion blocks...
Robotech: "This is Sergeant Johnson, I need an orbital
bombardment at coordinates..."
BTS: Flee as fast as humanly possible. (Then again, the
average child with a yoyo has outclasses most BTS parties.)
When confronted with an enemy force much, much more powerful
than they, the characters will:
PFRPG: Charge in and sell their lives dearly,
hoping the bards will include them in their epics.
RIFTS: Not applicable. Their is no force more powerful than
the average RIFTS character. (Assuming there was, the RIFTS PCs
would just open a dimensional RIFTS and abandon the world to its
Robotech: Turn on the full-shield system!
BTS: Flee faster than humanly possible. (Of course, it
doesn't take much to threaten the BTS party this badly. BTS
parties have been wiped out by rogue air currents.)