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Chi-Town Culture and Society

By: A.Hamilton (hamilton1776@earthlink.net)

"The Coalition State of Chi-Town, It's Culture and Society" A Collection of Essays by Dr. Daniel Treadaway, University of Lazlo.


Having examined the Chi-Town Educational System and the way in which youngsters are socialized, it is time to focus on the social lives of the citizens of Chi-Town. Much can be learned from how people spend their money and their time. With that in mind this essay will focus on the daily rituals and important events in the lives of Chi-Towners. The ceremonies they use to mark significant milestones and how they enjoy themselves are the questions this essay will attempt to answer.


One thing all Chi-Towners have in common are the vidcasts presented by the Imperial Broadcasting Service. Most of these vidcasts are in the form of speeches or propaganda promoting the stance of the State on whatever issue is at hand. From warnings about the dangers of books and magic, to commentary on how the latest campaign against marauding D-Bee communities is coming along. As the State controls the IBS, nothing critical of the government is ever presented. Shows about politics are mostly shams, with the viewpoints of the commentators carefully planned by state approved speech composers. These types of broadcasts take up a full 50% of broadcast time.

The next type of programming, the most popular by far, takes up 35% of broadcast time. These are various sporting events, from Wrestling to Basketball, Football to Boxing, Chi-Towners love sports. And the more competitive, the greater the contact the better. Demolition derbies and hovercycle races are also popular at all levels of society. While popular, athletes are not seen as heroes. That status is reserved for CS military heroes. This is accomplished by keeping the salaries of athletes comparatively low (most live on levels 10-15). The teams are owned by Lofties of with excellent reputations and the State retains the right to change owners whenever it wishes to do so. Athletes are rarely allowed to be interviewed without a state censor standing nearby. Advertisers are also prohibited from using athletes as endorsers of their products. The CS realizes the potential power a popular athlete could have over public opinion and has therefore taken these steps to prevent that from occurring.

Next comes entertainment programming, like comedies, soap operas and dramas. These make up only about 10% of programming on the IBS. The shows are insipid for the most part. The story lines are mostly CS propaganda disguised as a plot, similar to the old After School Specials and teen programs used by the American Empire in Pre-Cataclysm times. Action-adventure shows focus entirely on the efforts of the Army and the ISS to defeat the inhuman threats that could destroy the CS. Soap Operas are little more than soft-core sex shows with a bit more plot than most pornography. They primarily focus on the bed-hopping and conniving schemes of the Lofty main characters. Most of the stories are written by government appointed writers and then censored by a separate agency. The actors are treated in the same fashion as athletes, for the same reasons. It's not uncommon for a Chi-Towner to see an actor or actress from their favorite vid-show picking up vegetables at the corner grocery store.

Commercials make up only a small fraction of programming time, around 5%. The small percentage of time devoted to commercial advertisements stems in part from the IBC not being a commercial venture. The funds raised by this small amount of advertisements are sufficient to defray the cost of operation. The government also considers the propaganda value of the IBC as more than worth any additional cost. Additionally these advertisements are tightly monitored, with strict regulations as to what claims an advertiser may make.


Concerts and music are an important part of the life of most Chi-Towners. Whether it is a few good friends playing at the neighborhood bar or the rare large scale concerts in sports arenas, music is alive and well in the Coalition States. Naturally, there are strict rules about what the lyrics may say. The fact that anyone can turn a musician in, combined with stiff penalties, and most musical entertainers don't dare risk it. Of course, with the ease of making recordings in the modern age, there are some protest and antigovernment songs that seep through the cracks. The biggest market for these is in the Burbs, as few citizens agree with the protests, let alone are willing to risk prison just to listen to such music. Any music published or distributed inside Chi-Town has to first be approved by CS censors. Again, this is to protect the citizens from dangerous ideas. As for the types of music, there are three main varieties that are popular: Jazz, Classical, and Rock and Roll.

Jazz is the music of everyone, from Low Levelers to Highbrows, Chi-Towners love Jazz. Most of the state controlled radio stations broadcast Jazz music as the main feature of their programming. The style of Jazz ranges from slow, sensuous torch songs, to up tempo dance music. Another thing Chi-Towners love is dancing, even dances for youngsters are happening affairs, with none of the girls on one side, boys on the other side that occurs in many places. From an early age, Chi-Town children are taught by their parents to dance, either in the home or through classes. The state encourages this for several reasons, discussed later. The popular dances are energetic and physical, reminiscent of that from 1920's pre-Cataclysm America.

Classical music is mostly popular among Lofties, though many official state songs have Wagnerian overtones (Think 'Flight of the Valkyrie'). Many of these songs are quite popular among even the Low Levelers. Lofties like the elegance of the more somber classical music and enjoy formal concerts and balls that would rival those of Elizabethan England. In fact few Lofty parties are considered complete without a string quartet to play at the affair.

Lastly, and perhaps not surprisingly is Rock and Roll. Although it tends to be the music of the young and Low Levelers, Rock and Roll still permeates Chi-Town. Of course, some of the teeth have been removed from the music form as Chi-Town censors insure the rebellious overtones are kept out of the lyrics. Most songs are hard driving songs, with heavy base lines and an emphasis on guitar not vocals or lyricism. As with everywhere and everywhen else in the Megaverse, speed-junkies like PA and Robot pilots love it.


The other side of the coin, in the private lives of most Chi-Towners are the ceremonies that mark the important milestones in their lives. While the CS government forbids religion of any sort, they realize how important ceremony is to everyday citizens and have responded accordingly. From holidays marking important CS events, to the everyday ceremonies the Chi-Towners celebrate as hard as they work.

There are five major holidays in Chi-Town. First is New Years, still January 1st little has changed from the American version from pre-Cataclysm times. The evening before is spent in drunken merry making to greet the New Year.

The next major holiday is known as Thaw Out, a celebration of the return of Spring in March. The day is meant to recognize the re-growth of human civilization. Formal ceremonies, usually races of all kinds from sprints to hovercycle racing, emphasize the point of Humanity moving forward. The Emperor gives a speech and recounts the triumphs and struggles overcome since the last Thaw Out. Then the rest of the day is spent, by those of age, in the arms of a lover. This serves as a type of fertility ritual, emphasizing the importance of birth and growth. Many a child is born in November, the happy outcome of a Thaw Out well spent.

In late May, Freedom Day is celebrated, by spending time with the family. The Emperor again makes a speech about Humanity standing triumphant against the dark forces that assail it from all sides. Parades are common in every neighborhood and people gather to have picnics and play sports with their friends. Most business are closed and ISS and Army troops are given a bonus in their paycheck and additional vacation time for serving on this day.

At the end of August, Chi-Town celebrates the anniversary of the attack by the Federation of Magic and The Campaign of Blood in 12 P.A. This is the most somber of holidays. Vidcasts focus entirely on the ISS and the Army, talking with honored generals and showing footage and commemorations of important battles. The Emperor gives a speech and in a formal ceremony awards the Imperial Medal of Honor for recipients from that year. People spend the time thinking about loved ones and friends lost in the battle against the supernatural, as everyone knows somebody who has served. The day has is a somber occasion.

The last important celebration is Emperors Day in December. Mostly, this is just a week long vacation, spent with friends and family, eating and thinking about the bounty of the past year. No formal ceremonies, but people exchange gifts to represent the gifts of prosperity and security the Emperor has given to the people.


Besides sports, music, dancing and parties there is one other important aspect of Chi-Towner social lives that needs to be considered and that is the attitude towards sex. Much can be gleaned from a societies attitude toward sexual matters, as they touch on the fundamental issues of how a people view themselves. To gain a proper prospective one must look back at the early days after the Cataclysm and move forward.

In the first years after the Cataclysm humanity was concerned only with survival. Population was down to near extinction levels, and the primary concern was maintaining the population, in order to insure future generations. Of equal concern was insuring genetic variety. To this end, many communities adopted a policy of each child birthed by a woman was to have a different father. Children were raised by the community, and even though the institution of marriage survived, it no longer held monogamy as a central tenet. Of course many communities adopted differing strategies, but by all accounts, this was the policy adopted by the community that would become Chi-Town.

These early practices have had a long-lasting impact. Chi-Towners are generally of the opinion that sex is to be discussed openly and freely and practiced in much the same manner. Recreational sex is considered a healthy and normal part of life, and there are very few Chi-Towners with hang-ups about sex. This attitude stems not just from their history, but from their present as well. First of all, children, even those born out of wedlock, are always considered a blessing. Humanity has a world to conquer and it cannot do that without a sufficiently large population. The state insures that children are taken care of, adopting those that cannot be properly cared for by their parents in many instances. Secondly, effective contraceptives have made accidental pregnancies a thing of the past, so few people ever have undesired children. Third, between Psychics and advanced drugs, most social diseases have been eliminated or can be easily cured. Lastly, Chi-Town teaches a humanistic philosophy. Morality is based on what best ensures the survival of the state and humanity and monogamy is not necessary to ensuring that goal.

This is not to say that Chi-Towners have no rules about sexual relations. They treat rapists and molesters harshly, having contempt for someone who would violate another human in such a manner. Exclusive homosexuality is frowned upon for one reason; such unions don't produce children and are therefore seen as less than desirable. However it is not illegal and few people have any problem with people who are bisexual, or with someone who has the occasional homosexual tryst. Of course, sexual relations between Humans and Psi-Stalkers are technically illegal, but that law is rarely enforced unless the couple attempts to marry or is too flamboyant. The same is true of human-dog boy relationships, only those laws are enforced. The dog boy usually being put down and the human sent to reeducation.

Naturally, the rich live by a different set of rules. Interspecies trysts among Lofties are quite common. Many are bored and have nothing better to do than experiment, and as long as it is done discreetly there are no negative repercussions. Lofties rival the ancient Romans in their freewheeling sexual practices. Perhaps surprisingly, marriage is an important part of Chi-Town society. Most people marry and stay with their partner for their lifetime, raising their children as married couples have down through the ages. Divorce is rare. As both men and women are more accepting of a sexual dalliance by their partner and are conditioned that sex for recreation is acceptable. Due to that fact, sex outside the marriage is frequent. On the other hand, long term affairs seldom occur.

The last aspect of sexuality in Chi-Town that needs examination is Chi-Town's 'sex industry.' Prostitution is legal, albeit regulated. Brothels are restricted to certain areas and must meet zoning regulations. The facade of the building has to be tasteful, no overtly advertising the business that goes on inside. No flashing neon signs or XXX banners are allowed. Additionally, all prostitutes, both male and female, must pass monthly physicals, both through traditional medical techniques and psychic methods.

On the lower levels, unlicensed prostitutes and brothels are fairly common. And even licensed the licensed brothels are of a lower quality then their counterparts on the upper levels. These LL prostitutes are looked down upon, seen as low class walking disease factories. However, men and women of the upper levels who are sex professionals are well respected. Going to a brothel on the upper levels or arranging for an 'escort' from one of those brothels is considered socially acceptable.

In conclusion, Chi-Towners aren't much different from people of other technologically advanced enclaves in the way they spend their free time. But one cannot forget the influence of the state and the way in which even recreation is used to enhance those traits it considers desirable.



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