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Chi-Town Educational
By: A.Hamilton (
"The Coalition State of Chi-Town, It's Culture and Society" A
Collection of Essays by Dr. Daniel Treadaway, University of Lazlo
The Coalition State of Chi-Town, known as the seat of the
Coalition's power. It is the self-proclaimed last bastion of humanity
in North America. Others know it as an oppressor of non-humans. None
dispute it is the largest human war machine on the continent.
Chi-town is a place that conjures hate, invective and fear in most
citizens of North Americas more enlightened civilizations. Many of us
know all too well the military face of the CS. From the soaring SAMAS
power armor to the Skull-visaged foot soldiers. But most of us never
bother to look any deeper, to see the people of the Coalition. Few
bother to ask "What is life like in the CS, for the average person?".
It is a question that must be asked, or we run the risk of vilifying
the citizens of Chi-Town in the same fashion that their leaders
vilify non-humans and magic users.
Chi-Town proper is a massive fortress city with 40 levels. It's
population is one of the largest for any single city on
Post-Apocalyptic Earth. The vast majority of Chi-Town citizens are
normal people, much like you and I. Maybe some of you reading this
wonder how that can be. You say to yourself 'I would never support
such a man as Emperor Prosek and his Regime.' The sad fact of the
matter is that good people have supported evil regimes all through
history. With that in mind, we should look at their society; from the
educational system to popular culture, from economic practices to
their method of governance, in the hope we can find common ground.
Since much of the way we view the world is formed by the age of 12,
the educational system plays an important role in the development of
that paradigm. Therefore we will turn our attention to that are of
life in Chi-Town first.
School and Education in Chi-Town
With the enforced illiteracy of Chi-Town many would question how
the CS can educate its citizens. While some will scoff at the
Chi-Town Educational system, the fact is it works. Perhaps only the
NGR and Lazlo educational system work better. Unlike our system here
in Lazlo where the objective is to enlighten and teach the student to
learn, Chi-Town attempts to produce good citizens. And they do that
job well. They produce citizens dedicated to their ideals, willing to
work and perform whatever job assigned, who don't question or
The Chi-Town Educational System (CTES) is based on a combination
of a Pre-Cataclysm German and American educational models , modified
to suit the needs of the Coalition. The CTES has 5 levels;
Foundational, Elementary, Standard, Technical, and Advanced. All
Chi-Town residents go through the first three levels of education.
With only those who show promise going to Technical Level education
facilities and only the best and brightest being allowed into the
Advanced Level institutions. Let's take a look at each level.
Foundational Level
Foundational level schools are similar to the old
American Kindergarten through Fifth grades. These are small
schools with typically less than 200 students, located in the
various neighborhoods on each level. Naturally the Lofty
Foundational Schools have better equipment, better instructors,
prettier surroundings and a more demanding curriculum, but the
same basic lessons are taught. This level of school is provided
by the State at no charge as it functions a vital role in the
proper socialization of the youngsters. Children are taught
their colors, how to read a clock, and the basic iconography
used by the many machines of the Coalition States.
The rooms are often decorated with pictures of the Emperor
and Joseph the First. Just before nap time they are told tales
of the heroic men and women in the Army who fight off the nasty
creatures who lurk in the shadows. They pledge allegiance to
the Emperor in the morning, Chi-Town at lunch, and the
Coalition States in the afternoon. They sing simple songs and
learn rhymes that reinforce their loyalty to the State and the
Emperor. Propaganda disguised as Fairy Tales, called Truth
Tales by the Coalition, teach the children of the evilness of
Magic and the Supernatural.
A favorite of the Foundational Schools is the tale of Little
Red Riding Hood. With a few adjustments. In their version,
Little Red is an innocent farm girl, who works on a Coalition
owned cattle ranch. She is on her way to visit her grandmother
who once served in the CS Army. On her way she is continually
tempted by a Wolfen Mage, whom she resists. Upon her arrival,
she discovers her Grandmother has been taken control of by the
Wolfen, who is devouring her alive. Once the Wolfen finishes
his meal, he turns his attention to Little Red. She is nearly
seduced by the Wolfen's offer of power, as she has not paid
attention to the instruction she received in school on how to
resist such magics. Fortunately a CS Psi-Stalker and his Dog
Pack happen by, and sensing the magic energy, rescue Little Red
and destroy the Mage rather handily. Other favorites include
versions of Hansel and Gretel and Snow White.
Children are also taught about Dog Boys and Psi-Stalkers and
how important it is to cooperate with ISS Peacekeepers. They
are given toys fashioned after the latest CS Armor and
Vehicles. Again, using stories, play time, songs and a
continual barrage of images, the CS teaches loyalty first to
humanity. That the group must be put before the individual.
Games are designed, or rigged for the more cynical, to prevent
an individual from winning. The rules of the game force
teamwork and group efforts. Of course all children wear state
provided uniforms to school. The uniforms look very much like
CS Army uniforms, with a bit more color and not quite so many
Discipline is also strict. Infractions of the rules result
in harsh paddlings, but those who follow them are given much
praise. Students never question their teachers. A class full of
five year olds setting at their desk, quietly drawing or
listening raptly to their teacher without ever squirming can be
a frightening site. Physical activity is encouraged and even at
this young age competitive team sports are played among
In fact, competition is an important aspect of the
curriculum. Students know that those who do poorly will be sent
to lesser Elementary Schools. Those who excel are rewarded with
toys, candy, vids of popular cartoons and the like. This is
also a calculated move to instill an early value of materialism
in the children. The CS rightly supposes that if they become
caught up in the pursuit of goods and creature comforts, they
will be willing to do whatever it takes to protect those
creature comforts.
The State also begins testing for aptitude at this stage.
However, this is mostly preliminary data collection to be used
as a barometer in the next phase, to see how well the child is
developing and how well the doctrine is taking root.
Occasionally a child who is not learning his lessons of loyalty
is held back. Additionally, testing for psionic potential
begins at this age. This is done in two ways. First, a great
many teachers posses some minor psi-sensitive powers to begin
with and are constantly on the look out for other psychics.
Teachers are rewarded for alerting Psi-Net to potential
psychics, especially those with the potential to be Master
Psychics. Second, Psi-Net sends an officer to each classroom at
least once a year to talk to the students about avoiding odd
looking people, the dangers of magic and what to do if they
should see a supernatural creature. While the officer is there
she will also do intensive scans, looking for children with
potential that the teacher may have missed.
Elementary Level
Elementary Level schools are the equivalent of old
American Junior Highs or Middle Schools. At this level, things
become more competitive and the courses harder. Team Sports are
even more heavily emphasized. Coalition History is studied, and
the History of Chi-Town is studied as well. Students learn
about the system of government and about the CS Army. They
learn about important Generals and battles, and a bit about
other Coalition States.
The methods used to teach these classes are quite varied,
since text cannot be used. The most often used tool is simple
verbal communication and rote memorization. The teacher will
recite the stories over and over again, often in the form of a
poem or using other pneumonic devices. Music is also frequently
used as it aids memory. Computers are voice activated and
simple machines use icons to identify such functions as the
on/off button. Chi-Towners often have phenomenal memories, much
like preliterate cultures throughout history.
Some elective classes are now allowed. Mostly these are
music classes, home economics, sports and a few art classes.
Students are encouraged to take these electives. They have
found that by funneling the students creativity into artistic
endeavors aggrandizing the state, it increases patriotism and
loyalty. One should realize that these are carefully controlled
classes where students are not encouraged to branch out. Rather
they are kept within strict guidelines of what is or is not
acceptable. For example, most music classes involve learning
how to play state approved songs, marches, and popular tunes.
Sculpting and drawing classes focus entirely on the Emperor,
the Army, and associated symbols.
As in earlier grades, uniforms are still required. And the
education is provided entirely free of charge. Students also
continue to earn rewards for achievement. Those who excel are
given music and vid discs, toys, tickets to popular movies,
clothes and any number of other items. Again, this reinforces
the materialism of the State and makes the citizen that much
more willing to protect what is theirs.
Testing takes a greater roll at this level. Tests determine
which of three types of Standard school they will attend. One
group of Standard school for those who will attend Technical
Schools, another set of Standard Schools for those destined for
the Advanced Level schools and lastly those Standard schools
for those who will go no further. The vast majority go to the
last type of Standard School.
Standard Level
Standard Level schools are the equivalent of old
American High Schools, with students entering at age 14 or 15.
The exception being that there are three different types of
Standard schools, but they all share a few things in common.
Uniforms are still required and the by now familiar faces of
the Emperor and Joseph the first are still omnipresent. The
State still pays the full amount of the schooling at this
level. Students are now allowed to participate in individual
sports such as wrestling and boxing. They have by this point
been tracked to what their occupation will be. The different
curriculums prepare them for those occupations.
Most (88%) Standard schools teach a variety of occupations,
from farming to delivery of goods, from service sector jobs to
retail jobs, but no factory worker or waste disposal jobs, as
these are done by 'bots. These schools prepare the average Joe
Coalition citizen for his job. Elective classes have been
effectively discontinued and most students are cooping. That is
they attend classes part of the day and work in an
apprenticeship program part of the day. Voice activated
computers using vid documents teach the students the basics of
the chosen profession, they are also required to participate in
simulations of real life business transactions. The Army and
ISS do most of their recruiting for basic positions from these
schools and are quite successful. For these Standard Level
students the course of study lasts between one and two
The second type of Standard Level schools prepare the 10%
that attend them for Technical level schools. The curriculum is
designed to find which Technical profession the student is most
suited for serving in. The fields include basic machinery
repair, medical assistants, teachers, and the like. For these
students Standard Level typically lasts only a year. Just
enough to determine their exact position.
The third and fewest in number are the Standard Level
schools that prepare the 2% of students that will go on to
Advanced Level education. The most important aspect of
education at these schools is the fact that the students are
taught to read and write! They are taught basic leadership
skills and the principles of the scientific method and logic.
Although 90% of the students in these schools are from Lofty
families, young people from lower levels who show potential are
allowed to attend. Their is no class restriction on these
Technical Level
The Technical level schools are designed to prepare
nurses, secretaries, teachers, repair people and robot
operators for their occupations. These students are some of the
luckiest Chi-Towners. Serving Loftiess and high level
government officials, they fill important midlevel functionary
positions. Training is hands on, with a computer terminal
always nearby. These voice activated computers can answer
questions and administer tests. Competition is fierce, as those
who performance is the best can expect high paying jobs that
allow them to live in the better neighborhoods. Each Technical
Level school focuses on one field and students travel to the
school they have been assigned to attend. There is a cost
associated with these schools, in that the State requires
students to pay 20% of the expenses.
Advanced Level
Basically these are the Colleges and Universities. The
two most famous are the University on the 40th level and the
Military Academy where Army and ISS officers are trained. This
is where doctors, engineers, high level administrators and the
executives of the few private industries. They are literate and
know more of Pre-Cataclysm times than your average citizen.
They are also the most loyal citizens, for they have the most
to lose from a changing of the guard. The students attend
classes, party, and take part in extracurricular activities
much like university students have throughout the ages. Course
work is extremely demanding. Students often have 50-100 pages
of material to read for each class each night. Failing grades
are considered anything less than 80% so most students spend
much of their time studying to avoid that fate. All students
take rhetoric classes and the course of study is broad. If they
are to be the leaders of Chi-Town they will have to wear many
hats in their lives and the University prepares them well for
it. Physical education classes are also part of the curriculum,
as the CS believes that a strong body strengthens the mind.
These who are the elite of the elite, the privileged few who
will be Lofties, are grateful for the opportunity presented and
generally excel. There is a cost associated with Advanced Level
schools, in that the State requires the student to pay for 50%
of the expenses. This is done to keep to many low levelers from
climbing the social ladder.
Burbs Education
Education in the Burbs is much more catch as catch can. Other than
the established communities of Hillcrest and Cityview, there are no
formal educational systems. The youth of the Burbs are taught what
their parents and friends know and that is the sum of their
education. The occasional Rogue Scholar will try to educate these
poor folks as best he may, but most have little time for such
luxuries. They are too busy trying to scrape together a living.
Hillcrest and Cityview have educational systems similar to that of
Chi-Town, the main difference being their are no Advanced Level
Having looked at the way in which citizens of Chi-Town are
educated, it is little wonder the Emperor has been able to find
support. Through calculated gambits that would have made Machivelli
proud, he and his regime have constructed an educational system that
uses natural human tendencies to control the populace has worked.
From the time they enter school until the time they enter the
workforce, they are taught the importance of humanity first and that
the Emperor and his Regime are the only means to protect their way of