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Turkey Commando R.C.C.

By: Basara (sbundy@kih.net)

This mutant animal was developed at the Lone Star facility by Major Arthur Carlson, a scientist that got his degree and position due to his mother's influence with Emperor Prosek. He envisioned large, flying avian paratroops to be used to attack Coalition enemies from the air. It seemed like a good idea, so Bradford okayed the plan. 500 of these troopers were created in the lab.

The first test usage of these birds was on the second Monday in October, PA 106, when 300 of these fearless fighters were air-dropped on the burbs of Lazlo and Old Bones. Contact was lost, almost immediately. A second test, using the remaining 200 birds, was conducted the next month, on the fourth Thursday, against Tolkeen and New Lazlo. This second test became widely known of, as a rogue scholar colleague of Erin Tarn, one Lester Nessman, was shooting a documentary on the war preparations on the outskirts of Tolkeen. His panicked broadcast of the events was heard as far as Silvereno, about large turkeys with railguns "hitting the ground like bags of wet cement." Oh, the humanity.....

It seems Carlson screwed up (again), and used domestic turkey DNA in the field test units, after developing the first prototypes using wild turkey DNA. As Carlson was led away to the firing squad, he was quoted as saying "God as my witness, I thought Turkeys could fly..."

A few birds survived the two fiascoes (the Canada insertion went much like the American one, with less witnesses), and are believed to be hiding out in the Magic Zone in the Cincinnati ruins, in a place known only as "The Flem Building". Rumor has it they plan to start their own anti-CS radio station.


Commando Turkey R.C.C.

TMNT Size Level: 10 (5-6.5 feet tall, 176-205 lbs.)

Extra Limbs with Human Hands
Partial Speech
No Looks

Attributes: As Human, but -4 to P.P. and +10 to Speed.
R.C.C. Skills:

Understands American: 98%
WP Energy Pistol
WP Energy Rifle
WP Heavy Energy
HTH Commando
Military Intelligence
Guerilla Warfare
Parachuting (and flight from natural wings): At -40% of normal Base! 2D4 other skills from Espionage & Military

R.C.C. Related & Secondary: As CS Commando (see Rifts WB 11: Coalition War Campaign).
Starting Equipment: As Commando, but with light (35 MDC) body armor made using Triax Plainclothes technology.



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