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As quoted from a letter dated 31 January 1995 by Julius Rosenstein, Editor at Palladium Books, Inc.
Credits are in the form of a metal card with the owner's personal identification number on it. The card is set up for laser read/write and is NOT made of M.D.C. material. Credits are generally handled through electronic transfer, but can be transferred to plastic for adventures going into the "wilderness." When put into transportable currency, they take the form of hard plastic with their denomination imprinted upon them. |
© 1995 - 2003 this page, contents, and accompanying pages, Dustin M. Ramsey, Dustinian Industries, and other authors as specified. Duplication of contents with permission only!
Rifts®, Palladium Books®, and Megaverse® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.