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In looking over the various psychic character classes and comparing them with naturally psionic races, one notices that several races have a natural or constantly on psionic (telepathy, empathy, etc.) at no I.S.P. cost. By slightly revising the system (using mind-block auto-defense as a guideline), PC's can choose to make some of their psionics always on by paying 3.5 times the normal ISP cost in permanent ISP. In the case of powers with variable I.S.P. costs (such as telekinesis, mind bolt, astral golem, etc.), the player buys at the setting they want, and can use that setting or any lower setting of the same power for free! If there is a higher setting of the power that the player wants to use, then they need only expend the difference between the two settings in normal (non-permanent) I.S.P. Master psychics can elect to make up to six psionic abilities (or three super psychic powers) Constant-On Psionics. At levels 4, 8, and 12 the master psionic can make two more psionics (or one super psionic) Constant-On. Major psychics can choose to make up to two of their powers Constant-On Psionics, while minor psychics can choose only one. |
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