RIFTS by D ustin M.  
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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

No one know where these incredibly ferocious and cunning creatures originated. Many believe them to be fiendish creations of the Gene Splicers, while others say they are the living nightmares of the corrupted European Millennium Tree. Considering the Khuntox's dark, twisted nature and their fearless brutality, either theory could be correct.



Alignments: Miscreant and diabolic only!
Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6, M.E.: 3D6+4, M.A.: 2D6, P.S.: 3D6+10, P.P.: 3D6+10, P.B.: 1D6, P.E.: 3D6+10, Spd: 2D4 x 10
M.D.C.: P.E. x 10 + 5D6
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 1D4 x 10
I.S.P.: None.
Natural Abilities: Excellent vision, these hunters see equally well during both the day and night. Khuntox are resistant to heat, cold, and energy attacks (1/2 damage) and bio-regenerate 4D6 M.D. per minute. They are excellent climbers and can move through the jungle tops at twice their running speed. The most dangerous aspect of the Khuntox is their ability to blend in with their environment. They are 98% undetectable when unmoving, 80% undetectable if moving 5ft per melee or slower, 40% undetectable if moving 15ft per melee, and only 10% effective if moving any faster.
Combat: Seven attacks per melee.
Damage: Supernatural P.S. See Rifts Conversion Book One, page 22. Razor-sharp claws do an additional 1D6 M.D. to punches and kicks, and the bite does 5D6 M.D.
Bonuses: +6 to initiative, +4 to strike, parry, and dodge, +6 to dodge when swinging from tree to tree, +2 to save vs. psionics, +4 to save vs. magic.
Psionics: None.
Average Life Span: Unknown, presumed immortal.
Skills of Note: Track by Sight 90%, Track by Smell 82%
Habitat: the forests of Europe and Asia, though a few have been sold in at the markets of Atlantis
Enemies: All intelligent life forms.
Allies: None.
Physical Appearance: A virtually invisible animal with great spines protecting its body, and long over muscled arms and legs tipped with razor sharp claws.
Size: 4 to 7ft tall
Weight: 100 to 250lbs
Notes: Generally solo hunters, Khuntox rarely travel in groups of more than 1D4.



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