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Brain Bugs

By: PhyreCop1@aol.com

The Bugs from Starship Troopers

They come from a planet that is mostly high desert and craggy, boulder-strewn mountains. Though they prefer an arid environment, they have also been found on nearly ever other type of planet, mostly those with forest, jungle and grassy plains.

The various bug species seem to live in a multilateral hive community with a very structured caste system. The leaders of the hive are the Brain Bugs , a highly intelligent psionic creature with amazing abilities. They are assisted by the Tunneler Roaches. These also serve as the builder/maintenance personnel for the hive. The Warrior Bugs act as both heavy workers and infantry. The Tanker Bugs with their flaming acid are like huge tanks, moving across the terrain sweeping the way clear of enemies. The Hopper Bugs are like a short-range air force as well as a decent form of reconnaissance for the hive. The Plasma Bugs act as a planetary defense by filling the sky and orbital space with massive balls of organic plasma capable of destroying a medium-sized spaceship.

Though similarities exist between the various bugs, it is believed that they are separate life forms and each caste species lays it's own eggs within the various chambers of the hive. The hive itself is a monumental construct in itself. A typical sized hive might cover 20-30 square miles of a planet, and descend as much as a mile below the surface. Some hives are rumored to be 10-20 times this size, though no one as yet has been able to document this.


Brain Bug (Cerebus Rex)

The leaders and thinkers of the hive.

The average sized hive will only have 1, maybe 2 Brain Bugs. But they can and do cooperate with the leaders of other hives. It is believed that the Brain Bug from the largest hive community would assume the so-called command when several hives come together. They are huge, pale-pink, slug-like creatures with extreme levels of intelligence (beyond genius level). A single Brain Bug can control and direct 2 entire hive communities if need be. Due to their innate mental abilities they have cultivated a very high level of psionic abilities. It is believed by some experts that when enough Brain Bugs gather and work together, they can pool their Telekinesis (Super) to hurl massive asteroids through space. Then, using their pooled Teleport (Major), they can send it the equivalent of hundreds of parsecs to bombard a rival planet. In this way they can war against a rival without the means of space travel.

They have eight large round black eyes in two lines of four to either side of a large, red puckering maw. There is no head; the "face" is set into an opening that covers the entire front end of the creature. They have no apparent arms, yet there is a heavily muscled fin on either side of the body which seems to assist in locomotion. There are four short, bony projections beneath the body that can carry the form with relative ease, but at a slow pace (average human walking speed), although some have been observed moving for short distances at a tottering wobble by taking longer strides (avg. human running pace). A Brain Bug will always be accompanied by 4D6 Tunneler Roaches . These will act as the Brain Bug's entourage and personal guard, and they will clear away any debris or obstacles that might hinder their leader. There will also be a heavy guard of 1D6+2 Warriors in attendance.

There are two small claw-like arms situated beneath the mouth. These are believed to be used for holding food while feeding. A single, slender claw is found folded just inside of the mouth. This may serve any of several purposes, but the most common ideas have been that it is used like a tongue, to taste food and also to drink water and other fluids since it seems to be hollow like a syringe. It also seems to have another use. The Brain Bug has the ability to punch/stab the claw through the cranial shell of another creature, then ingest the brain matter and acquire all of their victims knowledge. Though it appears that the creature has the capability of speech, it communicates with it's hive members and allies by means of telepathy.

NPC Villains --------- Not available as player characters.
Alignment: Considered Diabolic evil by human standards.
Attributes: I.Q.: 3D6 + 12, M.A.: 4D6 + 10, M.E.: 4D6 + 10, P.S.: 4D6 + 16, P.P.: 3D6, P.E.: 3D6, P.B.: 1D6, Spd: 2D6 (3D6 + 2); I.Q. is usually of genius level; the creature is cunning, deceptive and treacherous.
M.D.C.: 2000
Horror Factor: 14
Magic Abilities: None.
P.P.E.: 1D6 x 100
Psionic Abilities: All sensitive and all super.
I.S.P.: 4D6 x 100; all psi-powers are equal to a 2D6 + 2 level Master Psychic.
Natural Abilities: Multi-spectrum vision equivalent to cybernetic multi-optics eye and radar (range 200 feet/61 m). Bio-regeneration 1D6 x 10 M.D.C. and complete regeneration of appendages and eyes within 24 hours. Night vision 1000 yards/meters, See the Invisible, Impervious to poisons, toxins, drugs, and disease; and is resistant to cold, heat and fire.
Special Ability: Can punch through the skull of their victim with their claw, ingest the brain matter and attain an understanding of all information that the individual possessed. This allows them to understand/speak their opponent's language as well.
Experience Level: Average 1D6+4
Combat: 6 attacks per melee by hand-to-hand and/or by psionics.
Damage: They have a single palp-like claw that retracts into the mouth. Claw strike 1D6 M.D. or a restrained jab (pulled punch) 4D6 S.D.C.
Bonuses: +10 on initiative, +6 to pull punch/jab, +6 to roll with impact, +12 to save vs. horror factor, +4/+15% on all saving throws in addition to attribute bonuses.
R.C.C. Skills: Generally not applicable. Most will know all demon & monster lore and psychic lore at 88%. Whatever other knowledge they require can be taken from an opponent (See Special Ability).
Size: 15-20 feet (4.5-6 m) tall, 10-12 feet (3-3.6 m) wide and 30-50 feet (9-15 m ) long.
Weight: 2 metric tons or more.
Enemies: Anyone and anything that is not of their hive or sister hives.



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