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Dastari the
Withering: A Greatest Rune Weapon
By: Dustin M. Ramsey (
The head of this battle mace is formed from a great jagged cluster
of brilliant, fiery red crystal mounted atop a short silver handle.
This weapon is very ornate, with many ebony etchings and mystic
symbols covering its entire length.
As a sentient being, Dastari believes its own twisted moral code,
and feels that the rest of the Megaverse should be engulfed in its
cleansing flame. Indeed, the rune mace will judge every being its
owner encounters, and if they do not 'measure up' to Dastari's
corrupted standards, it will telepathically urge its owner to purify
them in Dastari's withering fires.
Standard Abilities:
- Independent personality with an IQ 15.
- Communicate through limited telepathy.
- Totally indestructible, it never dulls or dents.
- Made of a great piece of multicolored crystal and lined with
ebony runes.
- Can be used to parry energy blasts (-6 to parry, very
difficult). Can parry laser blasts with only a -2 penalty.
- Link itself with owner/wielder within six months of constant
contact. Thus man and weapon can sense each other's presence
within a four mile (6.4km) radius if separated.
- Adds +1 to all saving throws.
- Aberrant evil in nature, it can only be used by those of evil
or anarchist alignments. Persons not of a compatible alignment
take 1D8 S.D.C. (3D6 M.D. if a mega-damage creature) each time
they touch the weapon.
Greatest Abilities:
- Spell Magic: Can cast these spells as often as three
times each, per 24 hours: Globe of Daylight, Impervious to fire,
Darkness, Tongue of Flame, Fire Ball, Wall of Flame, Heal Burns,
Mini-Fireballs, Blue Flame, Breathe Fire, Dancing Fires, Fire
Whip, Ten Foot Wheel of Fire, and Melt Metal. All are equal to a
12th level Fire Warlock.
- Laser Beam: Fires an intense laser beam that inflicts
5D6 M.D., range 2000ft (610m). Rate of fire is equal to the number
of hand to hand attacks of its user (single shots only).
- Radiate Daylight and Heat: the crystal head can radiate
natural daylight over a 50ft (15m) area (good against vampires) .
It can also radiate heat up to 80 degrees (26.7 centigrade),
affecting a 10ft (3m) area.
- 5D6 M.D. from physical hits.
- Confusion
This curse reduces the victim's I.Q. by two points. If this
reduces their I.Q. below the minimum needed to perform the
functions of their O.C.C., they will be unable to use any of their
O.C.C.'s special abilities (casting spells, picking locks, etc.)
There is also a -10% penalty applied against all the character's
skill percentages so long as the curse is in effect.
- Vulnerability
This curse applies a penalty of -2 to all the victim's saving
throws; whether against magic, psionics, poison, etc.
- Phantom Odors
The victim of this curse will smell odd and alarming odors at
odd times for no reason (like when they are in an underground
temple and suddenly smell burning sulfur, rather reminiscent of
demons). The victim of the curse will be unable to tell whether
the odors they smell are real or just a manifestation of the
After the owner of this cursed item has experienced the odors
for 60 days the person will acquire a phobia (fear and
apprehension). Note that in this case the phobic condition is more
like paranoia and extreme jitters rather than unreasoning terror.
Add one phobia for each month the cursed item is used
beyond the initial 60 days. 1) fire, 2) devils and demons, 3)
darkness, 4) foods prepared by others, 5) uncleanness (that is to
say he/she will be fanatical about being sparkling
clean/washed/groomed. Anyone who is not will be viewed with
suspicion and dislike, as well as being lectured about
cleanliness), 6) unknown places, 7) fumes, perfumes, colognes,
Note: The insanities are permanent (even if the curse is
removed) unless they are cured.
- Glowing Eyes
The victim of this curse will have his eyes glow white, yellow,
or red. Most people who see such a person will assume they are
evil, a demon or possessed by a demon, and either attempt to kill
them or drive them out of town, or exorcise them (while clerics
and wizards know the proper methods of exorcism there are a lot of
people who think that physical pain can drive a demon out of a
person, so such a victim may be beaten, whipped, burned, etc., in
an attempt by a good hearted, but ignorant person to exorcise
their "demon"). Although this curse raises a character's M.A. to
22 it only serves to intimidate rather than cause trust. The
suspicious aura that will emanate around the enchanted person will
cause friend and foe alike to view this person with suspicion,
fear, and distrust. Unless threatening or angry, people will
generally regard his/her words as lies.
To break the curses, two things must happen. First, the weapon's
owner must intentionally throw it away, sell it, give it away, or
otherwise dispose of the rune mace. This can also be accomplished if
the weapon is lost or stolen. The second step is to have a Remove
Curse spell cast on the former owner (even then the curse is +10
to save) for each of the curses. If a curse fails its saving throw,
that curse has been removed from the person. Note: Even after
all of the curses have been removed from the mace's former owner, any
insanities that may have resulted from the curses will remain until
cured (if a cure is even possible) by years of therapy from a medical
professional. The cursed rune weapon will, of course, continue to
inflict its enchantments on every "new" owner who claims it.