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By: Dustin M. Ramsey (
The Todakka are a race of giants from another dimension. However,
it should be noted that while they are massive and powerfully built
beings, they are not supernatural in nature. Widely renowned among
the Giant races for their high intelligence and their mechanical
genus, the Todakka are often the engineers and smiths of the other
Todakka Giant
Alignment: Any, however most are anarchist and
Attributes: The number of dice rolled is as designated:
I.Q.: 3D6+6, M.E.: 3D6+2, M.A.: 2D6,
P.S.: 4D6+4, P.P.: 3D6, P.E.: 4D6+4,
P.B.: 2D6, Spd: 3D6. Their P.S. and P.E. are considered
to be at the supernatural level when in magic supercharged
environments such as RIFTS Earth and Wormwood.
Hit Points: P.E. x 4, plus 2D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 2D4 x 100 on RIFTS Earth plus those gained from
O.C.C.s and physical skills, making the giant an equivalent light
mega-damage structure (every 100 S.D.C. equals one M.D.C.).
Horror Factor: 11
P.P.E.: 2D6
I.S.P.: M.E. + 1D4 x 10, plus 1D6+1 per level of
Natural Abilities: Exceptional long range vision, night vision
20ft (6.1m), heals twice as quickly as normal, and is resistant to
fire (takes half damage from mega-damage plasma and magic fire
Bonuses: +2 to save vs. Horror Factor in addition to those
gained from attributes, O.C.C., and skill bonuses.
Damage: Variable depending on P.S. attribute. See supernatural
strength chart.
Magic: None.
Psionics: All Todakka giants are considered major psychics
with the psionic abilities of Telemechanics, Total Recall, and two
other psychic powers from the Physical or Sensitive categories. One
in ten Todakka will have an additional six psionics from the Healing,
Physical, or Sensitive categories with a one time bonus of 1D4 x 10
O.C.C.: Virtually any Men of Arms or Scholars/Adventurers
O.C.C. (except Glitter Boy), including the CS Military (equivalents).
Neither Magic nor Psychic O.C.C.s are permitted. Note: reduce
the number of O.C.C. Related skills by one-half to reflect the amount
of time spent honing the character's natural abilities.
Skills of Note: Language and Literacy in Troll and Gobblely,
all at 98%. Regardless of O.C.C. selected, skills from the Electrical
and Mechanical categories may be selected instead of O.C.C. Related
or Secondary skills (all at a +10% bonus)
Average Life Span: 300 years.
Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered a monster or D-Bee
on RIFTS Earth.
Enemies: Generally indifferent to most, however they view most
short folk with disdain.
Allies: Prefers the company of most other giants, but may
associate with anyone.
Physical Appearance: Massively built humanoids with skin
colour ranging in shade from a dark golden honey to a light bronze.
Most wear their hair long and pulled back into a pony tail.
Size: 12 to 15 feet (3.7m - 4.6m)
Weight: 400 to 1000lbs (180kg to 455kg).
Notes: The Todakka tend to be more civilized than most other
giants, however they still distrust smaller beings. They have quickly
adapted to the high technology of RIFTS Earth and Phase World, and
have proven themselves as superior engineers and mechanics on both of
these worlds.