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Parapsychology Skill

By: Andrew (OPhalanxO@aol.com)
Based on Concepts and Game Design by: Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books (http://www.palladiumbooks.com)

Parapsychology - New Science Skill

Parapsychology is the study of the paranormal. It is based on three standard forms of paranormal activity (or scientific anomalies). One is ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception), one is PK (Psychokinesis), and the other is a term that represents a few different fields: anomalies that suggest survival after death (near-death experiences, apparitions, and reincarnation).

Parapsychology is generally not interested in claims of supernatural monsters (unless the claims fall under one or more of these groups), alchemy, witchcraft, vampirism, UFOs, astrology, or the search for bigfoot. The things Parapsychologists study (that fit into the three standard groups above) are: Telepathy, Precognition, Clairvoyance, Psychokenisis, Bio-PK (direct mental interactions with living systems), Near Death Experiences, Out-Of-Body Experiences, Reincarnation, Hauntings, and Poltergeists. Of course, there are many Parapsychologists who seem determined to study not only these things, but some of the many things listed that Parapsychologists normally don't study. These people are rogues, and do not usually get due credit for their discoveries by the scientific community.

Characters that have this skill are able to understand paranormal phenomena and have an advanced level of knowledge surrounding the paranormal.

Requirements: Psychology

Skill Base: 35% +5% per level of experience



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