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By: Jerry Miller (3jmiller@bellsouth.net)
During the time of a thousand magic, when dwarves and elves were more amicable, there were magics that defy not only the laws of the universe, but our very imaginations as well. And during this time there lived an elven bowman better than all before, and, most assuredly, all since. Nemish was for many years considered an outcast never believing in the ways of magic. Everyone of that time practiced magic in one form or another but this elf was different. Again and again he told people of the downfalls of magic. Again and again he told them one day a people would come and their magic would prove to be their downfall. And, as he said, so it would be. It is during this time that a force beyond magic would become known. Perhaps they were creatures summoned through a circle, or a rift. Perhaps the were the planet's answer to the misuse of magic. Or maybe, just an experiment gone awry. Whatever they were, and wherever they came from, the Zavor brought terror to an entire world. Despite their best efforts (and their best magics) the Zavor just kept coming. Each one becoming two with each attack. Where were they to turn? To people like Nemish, to those who became better without magics. Those who, through training and shear force of will made themselves as powerful as any mage. The monsters came. Most non-mages stood to the side and laughed at the magic users. Nemish, however, took to arms. Nemish began a campaign of extermination which eradicated a full 90% of the Zavor. The others being imprisoned or unable to be found. It is said that Nemish could fire off ten arrows in the time it took a mage to launch his magical fireball. It is said Nemish could strike the silliest of fairies from farther than most people could see. It is also said that Nemish died an old elf with his bow in hand and arrow strung. In honor of the life of one so great his bow was taken and enchanted joining a piece of Nemish to the bow he has cherished all his life. Nemish's bow is made of the wood of a tree, now long extinct, known for extreme strength and superior flexibility. Enchanted with runes (written in the blood of faerie volunteers) from notch to notch. Even the string is the same having been made indestructible. The bow was last seen during the great elf-dwarf wars in the hands of the captain of the archers at Baalgor. If this were just a bow the artistry alone would fetch many thousands of gold. As an ancient elven relic it is priceless. As a greatest runed item it is both priceless and very powerful. Upon drawing the string one of three things will happen (depending on the mind of the wielder). Either a normal wooden arrow will appear, or an arrow of magical construct will appear, or one of the many spells contained in the bow will be cast. Standard Abilities:
Greatest Abilities:
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