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By: danzig 138 (danzig138@zdnetmail.com)
I personally do not like the way supernatural HTH damage is calculated in Palladium games. I prefer to have supernatural damage work in basically the same way as normal P.S. damage. This is the first part of a set of tables. This covers hand strike damage for normal, extraordinary, superhuman, and supernatural P.S.
Rifts Note: In Rifts, or other magic-rich areas, beings with Superhuman P.S. inflict M.D. equal to the damage listed for Normal P.S., plus their damage bonus from high P.S. ( i.e., a superhuman P.S. of 20 provides a +5 M.D. bonus ). Supernatural P.S. inflicts M.D. using the damage listed for Superhuman P.S., plus the damage bonus from a high P.S. ( 20 P.S. grants +5 M.D. )
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