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Palladium Abbreviations

By: Satan Penguin(swoo@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca)

Here is a list of Palladium abbreviations (in no particular order) from the following books: RIFTS, Heroes Unlimited (HU), Ninjas and Superspies (NS), Robotech, Macross II, Beyond the Supernatural (BtS), Nightbane (NB), and the revised TMNT & Other Strangeness (TMNT/TMNT).


AR- Armor Rating, how much protection your armor has. A successful strike roll under or equal to the AR means the armor takes dmg, otherwise character takes dmg.
Auto-G- a misprint in the main RIFTS book that the editors missed.

BIO-E- Bio-Energy points that can be spent to mutate a character. Seen most often in BtS and HU.

Char- character
Chi- intrinsic mental energy used to power mystical martial arts abilities.
CRH- character record history, a story explaining the history of the character.
CRS- character record sheet, the piece of paper with with all of the information on a character on it (attributes, skills, etc)
CS- Coalition States.

E-clip- Energy-clip, where the power for your laser guns comes from.
EP- see XP.

FRP- Fantasy Role-Playing, 'nuff said.

D-Bee-Dimensional-Being, aliens.
DMG/dmg- Damage (personal).

GB- Glitter Boy, an laser-resistant RPA suit with a boom-gun.
GM/DM- Games Master/Dungeon Master. The guy (or girl) who runs the games.

HF- Horror Factor, a willpower roll to see if you are afraid of a supernatural creature.
HP/hp- Hit Points, or life points.
HTH/h-to-h- hand-to-hand, unarmed combat.

IQ- Intelligence Quotient, smarts.
IR- infra-red, which is a frequency of light below the sprectum that humans can see.
ISP- Inner Strength Points, intrinsic mental energy used to power psi abilities.

LARP- Live-Action Role-Playing, 'nuff said.
LRM- Long-Range Missile.

MA- martial arts.
MA- Mental Affinity, presence, charisma.
MDC- Mega-Damage Capacity, equal to 100 SDC, impervious to weapons which only inflict SD.
ME- Mental Endurance, resistance to mental fatigue (stress, etc).

NPC- Non-Player Character, a char the GM plays.

OCC- Occupational Character Class, what your character does for a living as an adventurer.
OPP- yeah, you know me!

PA- power armour.
PA- Post-Apocalyptic, the Rifts calendar.
PB/PBC- Particle-Beam Cannon, really nasty weapon.
PB- Physical Beauty, 'nuff said.
PC- Player Character, a char that you or another non-GM plays.
PCC- Psychic Character Class. Seen most often in BtS, NB, and RIFTS.
PE- Physical Endurance, resistance to phical fatigue.
PP- Physical Prowess, agility, dexterity.
PPE- Potential Psychic Energy, intrinsic mystic energy used to power magic.
PS- Physical Strength, 'nuff said.
PSI/Psi- psionics, psychic abilities, mind tricks, etc.

RCC- Racial Character Class, a different racial class that you can play.
RDF- Robotech Defense Force, the good guys during the First Robotech War/War Against the Zentraedi.
REF- Robotech Expeditionary Force, the good guys who survived the war with the Zentraedi and took the war to the Robotech Masters' homeworld and ended up fighting the Invid.
RPA- Robot Power Armor, neat-o.
RPG- Role-Playing Game, 'nuff said.
RoF- Rate of Fire, how often a weapon can be fired or thrown.

SDC- Structural Damage Capacity, toughness of a person or object.
SMG- Sub-Machine Gun, usually an automatic or semi-automatic weapon that uses pistol ammunition instead of rifle ammo.
Spd- Speed, 'nuff said.
SRM- Short-Range Missile.

TK- telekinesis, moving things with your mind.
TNT- boom-sticks (just checking).
TW- Techno-Wizard, a mage who combines magic and technology.

UV- ultra-violet, which is a frequency of light above the sprectum that humans can see.

WP- Weapon Proficiency, a special weapon skill, giving bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge (where applicable).

XP- eXperience Points, 'nuff said.



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