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Northern Gun Heavy Weapons

By: Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books (http://www.palladiumbooks.com)
With tweaks by: Dustin M. Ramsey (DustinM@rifts-rpg.com)

Weapon Name

Effective Range

Rate of Fire / Shots Used


Total Payload

Weapon M.D.C.


NG-45LP Northern Gun "Long Pistol"

1200ft (366m)

Aimed Shot / 1

5D6 M.D.

8 shot pistol e-clip ^
16 shot long pistol e-clip ^
56 shot NG pistol power pack

14 M.D.C.

Juicer Uprising, pg. 73

NG-50R Mini Rail Gun

1500ft (457m)

Aimed Shot / 1


10 round magazine

10 shot e-clip*
20 shot long e-clip*
70 shot NG power pack

28 M.D.C.

Rifter #4, pg. 85

NG-101R Rail Gun

4000ft (1220m)

Aimed Shot / 1

1D4 M.D.

300 round belt

40 M.D.C.

RIFTS, pg. 226

Burst / 30

6D6 M.D.

NG 202R Rail Gun

4000ft (1220m)

Aimed Shot / 1

1D4 M.D.

300 round belt

44 M.D.C.

RIFTS, pg. 226

Burst / 40

1D4 x 10 M.D.

NG-E4 Northern Gun Plasma Ejector

1600ft (488m)

Aimed Shot / 1

6D6 M.D.

10 shot e-clip*
20 shot long e-clip*
70 shot NG power pack

28 M.D.C.

Mercenaries, pg. 99
Sourcebook One
, pp. 56 - 57

NG-E12 Northern Gun Heavy Plasma Ejector

2000ft (610m)

Aimed Shot / 1

1D6 x 10 M.D.

6 shot e-clip*
12 shot long e-clip*
42 shot NG power pack

32 M.D.C.

Mercenaries, pg. 100

NG-E15 Northern Gun Pulse Plasma Ejector

2000ft (610m)

Aimed Shot / 1

1D4 x 10 M.D.

6 shot e-clip*
12 shot long e-clip*
42 shot NG power pack

36 M.D.C.

Rifter #4, pg. 86

Multi-Pulse / 3

2D6 x 10 M.D.

NG-GL10 Northern Gun Grenade Launcher

1000ft (305m)

Aimed Shot / 1

4D6/1D4 x 10 M.D.

24 round drum

24 M.D.C.

Rifter #4, pg. 86

NG-LG6 Northern Gun Laser Rifle and Grenade Launcher

1600ft (488m)



10 shot e-clip*
20 shot long e-clip*
70 shot NG power pack

28 M.D.C.

Mercenaries, pg. 100

Aimed Shot / 1

3D6 M.D.

Short Burst / 2

3D6 x 2 M.D.

Long Burst / 5

3D6 x 3 M.D.

Full Burst / 10

3D6 x 7 M.D.

Grenade Launcher:
1100ft (335m)

Grenade Launcher:

Grenade Launcher:

Grenade Launcher:
4 manually loaded grenades

Aimed Shot / 1

4D6 M.D.

Burst / 4

4D6 x 2 M.D.

NG-P7 Northern Gun Particle Beam Rifle

1200ft (366m)

Aimed Shot / 1

1D4 x 10 M.D.

8 shot e-clip*
16 shot long e-clip*
56 shot NG power pack

29 M.D.C.

RIFTS, pg. 225

NG-Super Laser Pistol and Grenade Launcher

800ft (243.8m)



20 shot e-clip*
40 shot long e-clip*
140 shot NG power pack

16 M.D.C.

RIFTS, pp. 224 - 225

Aimed Shot / 1

2D4 M.D.

Short Burst / 4

2D4 x 2 M.D.

Long Burst / 10

2D4 x 3 M.D.

Full Burst / 20

2D4 x 7 M.D.

Grenade Launcher:
500ft (152m)

Grenade Launcher:

Grenade Launcher:

Grenade Launcher:
6 + 8 manually loaded grenades

Aimed Shot / 1

2D6 M.D.

Burst / 4

2D6 x 2 M.D.

* weapon can use any standardized rifle e-clip (Naruni Earth-style, Northern Gun, Republic of Columbia, Wellington Industries, Wilk's)

^ weapon can use any standardized pistol e-clip (Northern Gun, Republic of Columbia, Wellington Industries, Wilk's)

Legal Notice: This information is provided only as a quick reference for players and gamemasters alike. In order to stay within the good faith of Palladium Books' Internet Policy, we cannot provide the full weapon descriptions that are available in the books. If you need additional information on a weapon (the text description, weight, any special notes, availability, cost, etc.), you must purchase the book that the weapon appears in.



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