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The Apok O.C.C. normally regenerates at the rate of 2D6 M.D. per 24 hours, or if wearing the Demon Mask, the Apok heals 5D6 M.D. every six hours. The 200 M.D.C. bonus gained from wearing the Mask regenerates separately from the Apok, and it heals 5D6 M.D. per every six hours regardless of if it is being worn or not. Example 1: Droshalla the Apok has 125 M.D.C. and takes 150 M.D. during a battle where she was wearing her Demon Mask. After the battle is over, she removes her Mask. Since all of the battle damage was absorbed by the M.D.C. bonus of the Demon Mask, she still has 125 M.D.C. The Mask's 200 M.D.C. bonus has been reduced to 50 M.D.C. which regenerates at the rate of 5D6 M.D.C. every 24 hours. Example 2: G'Lan the Apok has 120 M.D.C and takes 280 M.D. in battle while wearing his Demon Mask. After defeating his enemies, G'Lan removes his Mask. At this point the Mask's 200 M.D.C. bonus has been reduced to 0 M.D.C. which regenerates at 5D6 M.D. every six hours. G'Lan himself has a mere 40 M.D.C. and will heal at the rate of 2D6 per 24 hours if he does not wear his Mask, or 5D6 M.D. per six hours when wearing the Demon Mask.
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