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Create Golem Armor Ritual

By: Looney (jenner@cryogen.com)

Create Golem Armour (Ritual)

Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent, or until destroyed.
Time Required to Cast: 1D6 x 10 + 10 minutes
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 1300
Mystic Discipline Limitation: None. Any mage that can cast Common Spell Magic can use this spell.
Level: 15

Create Golem Armor is a variation on the standard Create Golem ritual which creates enchanted automatons which function like magically animated robots. The Create Golem Armor ritual makes what is in effect a hollow, iron golem-like body, which can be worn as armor.

The ritual to create the Golem Armor is effectively the same as that of the normal golem, except the sorcerer must be nude and covers himself entirely in clay, which is then magically shaped to reflect his image of the armor and then transformed into a golem.

Knowledge of this spell is currently limited to Manoa (where it was first performed), Lazlo, and more recently, Tolkeen.

Golem Armor

Size: Human equivalent.
Weight: 30 pounds (13.6 kg).
Bonuses: The armor magically raises the physical strength and speed of the wearer: +6 to P.S. (and makes it supernatural), +10 to SPD, reduces the rate of fatigue by 70%.
Mobility: Perfect, no penalties.
M.D.C. by Location:
The numbers in parenthesis are the highest value that the armor can be raised to by alchemists.

Helmet -- 40 (80)
Arms -- 60 each (120 each)
Legs -- 70 each (140 each)
Main Body -- 100 (300)

Special Weapons or Features: During the creation process, the mage can elect to add specific mounts for TW and enchanted weapons, magical sensor systems, etc. The armor can be further enchanted by alchemists and techno-wizards to increase its damage capacity
Market Price: A basic suit of Golem Armor can cost upwards of one million credits on the black market (although the mage who created the armor usually gets only 20 or 30%), for they can only be manufactured in Lazlo and Tolkeen (and in Manoa, the True Atlantean city in South America, although they transform the golem into power armor through more enchantments). Additional features raise the cost of the armor dramatically.



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