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By: Intensity (tense@logicworld.com.au)
Here is my version of various mega-damage strikes from those individuals lucky enough to have a supernatural P.S. and who are versed in a Ninjas and Superspies martial art. To use it, check the intended strike against the reference letter to use then go to the table which corresponds to that letter and use the damage listed there for the appropriate strength.
Action |
Human Damage |
Supernatural Damage Table |
Fist (punch) |
1d4 |
A |
Knife Hand |
1d6 |
A |
Fore-Knuckle Fist |
1d6 |
A |
Double-Knuckle Fist |
1d8 |
B |
Power Punch |
1d10 |
B |
Backhand |
1d4 |
A |
Fingertip attack |
1 |
- |
Claw Hand |
1d6 |
A |
Palm Strike |
1d6 |
A |
Double Fist Punch |
2d4 |
A+5 |
Kick Attack |
1d8 |
C |
Snap Kick |
1d6 |
B |
Roundhouse |
2d6 |
D+10 |
Wheel Kick |
1d10 |
D |
Crescent Kick |
1d10 |
D |
Axe Kick |
1d10 |
D |
Jump Kick |
1d8 * |
C |
Flying Jump Kick |
1d10 * |
D |
Flying Reverse Turn Kick |
2d6 * |
D+10 |
P.S. |
A |
B |
C |
D |
<15 |
4d6 SDC |
1d6 SDC |
4d8 SDC |
1d8 SDC |
16-20 |
1d6 |
2d6 |
1d8 |
2d8 |
21-25 |
2d6 |
4d6 |
2d8 |
4d8 |
26-30 |
3d6 |
6d6 |
3d8 |
6d8 |
31-35 |
4d6 |
1d4 x 10 |
4d8 |
1d8 x 8 |
36-40 |
5d6 |
1d6 x 10 |
5d8 |
1d8 x 10 |
41-50 |
6d6 |
2d4 x 10 |
6d8 |
1d10 x 10 |
51-60 |
1d6 x 10 |
2d6 x 10 |
1d8 x 10 |
2d6 x 10 |
61-70 |
2d4 x 10 |
4d4 x 10 |
2d6 x 10 |
3d6 x 10 |
(Herakles) |
71-80 |
3d4 x 10 |
4d6 x 10 |
3d8 x 10 |
3d8 x 10 |
(Magni) |
81-90 |
3d6 x 10 |
5d6 x 10 |
6d6 x 10 |
4d8 x 10 |
(Atlas) |
1) The first two columns are as per supernatural P.S. damage listed in various books. I believe that Conversion Book One and Mutants in Orbit agree on the matter.
2) The last three rows were made with reference to Conversion Book Two and the enitites within.
3) Those actions listed with an asterisk (*) are listed in Ninjas and Superspies as automatically inflicting a critical strike. If a natural twenty is rolled then the damage is tripled. Whether or not this rule is incorporated into your particular game is entirely at the GMs discretion. See page 130 of Ninjas and Superspies for more details.
4) Anyone who has those strengths below the line is almost definitely NPC material (I can't really see Atlas spending time learning how to do a flying reverse turn kick :)). If someone wants to spend all their Chi in Kokyu (Body Chi) to obtain these levels they should be allowed to, remembering that it only lasts for one melee. Since this would use nearly all of normal Martial Artists' Chi, they would be probably be exhausted afterwards. Penalties (if any) for this life force exertion are up to the GM and he is encouraged to be creative and fair.
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