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By: Grendel-Khan (jcubas@illuminati.io.com)
The amount of damage done in a burst is dependent on the number of rounds fired. Single Shot: same Short Burst: now fires 3 shots/blasts and does ([1 shot] x2) damage. Long Burst/Full Burst: damage for a Long Burst (using up to half the clip, and one attack) or Full Burst (using more than half the clip, and two attacks); in either case, the damage is ([1 bullet] x [# of bullets/3]).
Example: the 7.62 Galil assault rifle in Heroes Unlimited has a 40 round clip. A single bullet does 4D6. A short burst would now fire 3 bullets and do 4D6 x 2 damage. A long burst could be from 4 bullets (4D6 x 1 damage) to 20 bullets (4D6 x 6 damage). A full burst goes from 21 bullets (4D6 x 7 damage) to 40 bullets (4D6 x 13 damage). As you can see, this makes guns a little deadlier, and it means the guy who fires the most bullets does the most damage. Before, a guy with a .44 magnum could empty his 7 round clip and do just as much damage as the guy with the above mentioned Galil.
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