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Enhanced Children of
Doom Cult
By: Dustin M. Ramsey (
Based on Concepts and Game Design by: Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books (
When my RIFTS group went through the Mechanoids campaign, they
were a large, experienced group of adventurers that were more than
capable of holding their own in almost any battle. In order to
provide a better challenge to my players (and to underscore the great
threat that the Mechanoids were to planet Earth), I enhanced and
beefed-up the Mechanoids and the Children of Doom. Additionally, I
radically increased the size and scope of the death cult and their
nefarious activities, and then turned the Children of Doom into a
mini-campaign within the larger framework of my Mechanoids
The following is a breakdown of the enhanced Children of Doom
death cult that my player group battled. I separated the cultist into
power-type categories, and then outlined the basic tactics of the
individual races.
Cult Leaders:
Nrrii, the Neuron Beast: unchanged from what is listed in
the book
Nigel, the adult Nightstalker dragon: unchanged
Garnak, the Beast Dragon: stats unchanged, but serves as a
sort of "sergeant" of the troops
Zavarahm: an adult Serpent of the Wind dragon, he is a
powerful shifter and techno-wizardry; he uses his spells and weapons
to pick off opponents from a safe distance
Kargalahm: the twin brother to Zavaraghm, this adult Serpent
of the Wind is a powerful necromancer who wades into the thick of
battle to attack his enemies
Targatta: an adult Basilisk dragon, she hides beyond the
fringe of battle and attacks with her petrifying gaze and elemental
earth magic to strike foes down
Supernatural Corps: these members tend to avoid direct
confrontation with an enemy, and instead use their magic and/psionic
- Black Faeries (18): cast debilitating spells (blind, agony,
sleep) from the sidelines; occasionally stopping to feed on dead
and mortally wounded humanoids (especially those with a high
- Death Weaver Spiders (3): turn themselves invisible, and then
dance around the battlefield using their powerful mystic abilities
to aid their fellow cultist (invulnerability, armour of Ithan,
energy field, multiple image) and impair their opponents
(apparation, wisps of confusion, constrain being, havoc, magic
net, carpet of adhesion, fear); given their physical weakness,
they use directly offensive magic spells (call lightning, fire
ball) only as a last resort or when cornered, and flee (mystic
portal) if their survival looks doubtful
- Eye Killer (12): flitting around the edges of battle, they use
their psionics (bio-manipulation, empathic transmission) to
confuse and distract their enemies
- Witchlings (12): use their magic to incapacitate (befuddle,
carpet of adhesion, sleep, sickness, blinding flash, thunderclap)
and attack (fire bolt, call lightning)
- Za (6): after using techno-wizardry and magic amulets to
defend themselves (energy field, invulnerability, armour of
ithan), they use magic (stench of hades, cloud of ash, circle of
flame, wall of flame, fire ball) and powerful alien weapons (mini
rail guns)
Grunt Troops: these fighters are the animalistic and
low-I.Q. troops that dive into battle with the straight forward
approach of tooth and claw
- Chimera (6): like predatory animals, they wade into battle and
attack with bites, kicks, and fire breath
- Loogaroo (12): defend themselves with magic (invisibility,
armour of Ithan) and swoop into battle attacking with claw and
spells (fire bolt, call lightning, fear, befuddle) alike
- Malignous (6): avoids straightforward fights and instead uses
hit and run tactics where it can perform a leap attack (which can
knowndown and pin) or use its poisonous sting
- Manticore (12): dive into battle and attack tooth and
- Melech (4): wearing protective armour, they gallop in and out
of battle attacking targets of opportunity with leap attacks
(which can knockdown and pin), as well as their bites, claws, and
- Serpent Beasts (5): these savage creatures will attack
anything, but prefer unarmoured targets that can fall victim to
its poisonous bite
- Toad Stools (20): these little creatures use their magic
(summon fog, animate plants, repel animals, warty touch) to
distract and annoy enemies
- Zavor (4): impervious to normal weapons, these enraged
berserkers attack with tooth and claw (and create two Zavor when
hit with magic!)
Shock Troops: these heavily armed and armoured cultist wade
into battle with guns blazing and swords flying
- Gatherers (2): after affording themselves the maximum
protection of their abilities (turn invisible at will, psi-shield,
TK force field, sixth sense, armour of Ithan, energy field), they
use both technology (NE-200 plasma cartridge machineguns) and
paranormal abilities (psi-sword, empathic transmission, befuddle,
fear, fire bolt, call lightning, havoc, carpet of adhesion, speed
of snail) to obliterate their foes
- Metztla- Murex (1): this 40 ton hell-spawned demon wildly
charges into battle for a direct and incredibly brutal physical
confrontation with the largest/most powerful opponent on the field
of engagement
- Metztla- Murvolva (5): zipping through the battle at high
speed, these demons employ their psionics (telepathy, telekinesis,
hydrokinesis, mind bolt) and energy pulse cannons to harass and
distract their larger cousins' chosen prey
- Metztla- Murvoma (10): slinking out of the water behind
attackers, these demons use their tentacles (entangle, power
strike) and psionics (telekinesis, telepathy) to surprise
- Metztla- Volute (2): use their debilitating physical (sting,
body block) and psionics (super telekinesis, telekinetic force
field, bio-manipulation, empathic transmission, mind bolt) to
incapacitate and then feed upon their foes
- Monro (22): equipped with advanced technology for both offense
(ERP-8 energy pulse rifles, phase swords) and defense (p-fields),
these intelligent warriors work in teams to bring down even the
largest foes
- Morphworms (3): use their magic to protect themselves (shadow
meld, armour of Ithan, impervious to fire) and then dive into
battle unleashing magic (befuddle, carpet of adhesion, magic net),
techno-wizardry (flaming sword, TW converted plasma and lightning
blasters), and a flurry of physical attacks (bite, punch, tail
strike) against their opponents
- Pincer Warriors (5): fearlessly wading into battle, these
brutal warriors use a punishing array of physical attacks to
slaughter everything that stands against them
- Termite Engineers (4): armed with psychic abilities (see the
invisible, super telekinesis) and high technology (GR-15AR assault
rifles), they are quite cunning on the battlefield
- Waternix (7): protect themselves with magic amulets
(impervious to energy, armour of ithan) and use powerful alien
weapons (mini auto cannons) to snipe at targets of
- Vacuum Wasps (4): roar into battle at supersonic speeds
blasting enemies with electrical blasts
- Vernulians (3): clad in devastating power armour, their
opponents are cut to ribbons by a withering hail of energy weapons
and mini-missiles