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The Owner's Collection
of Palladium Books' Products
This is a complete listing of the contents of the Ramsey's
Palladium Books' library.
After the Bomb
Beyond the Supernatural
Heroes Unlimited
Macross II
Ninjas & Superspies
Palladium Fantasy
Systems Failure
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Weapons, Armours, and Castles Books
Odds & Ends
After the Bomb
- After the Bomb - A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Supplement
- Core Books:
- AtB Main Book
- AtB Game Shield
- Sourcebooks:
- Road Hogs
- Mutants Down Under
- Mutants of the Yucatan
- Mutants in Avalon
- After the Bomb - A Complete Role-Playing Game
- AtB Main Book - signed by Kevin Siembieda, Alex Marciniszyn, Steve
Sheiring, Wayne Smith, Julius Rosenstein, Ramon Perez, Maryann
Siembieda, and Adam Siembieda
Beyond the Supernatural
- Beyond the Supernatural
- Boxed Nightmares (with the newspaper supplement)
Heroes Unlimited
- Heroes Unlimited
- Core Books:
- Heroes Unlimited - published in 1984
- Sourcebooks:
- The Justice Machine - published in 1985
- Heroes Unlimited, Revised Edition
- Core Books:
- Sourcebooks:
- Villains Unlimited
- Aliens Unlimited
- Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition
- Core Books:
- HU2 Main Book - signed by Kevin Siembieda and Alex
- HU2 Special Hardbound Edition - numbered and signed by
Kevin Siembieda and Ramone Perez
- G.M.'s Guide
- Sourcebooks:
- Aliens Unlimited Revised
- Century Station
- Gramercy Island
- Aliens Unlimited Galaxy Guide - signed by Kevin Siembieda and Alex
Macross II
- Core Books:
- Sourcebooks:
- Deck Plans:
- Volume One
- Volume Two
- Volume Three
The Mechanoids
- The Mechanoid Invasion - small format book published in 1981
- The Journey - small format book published in 1982
- Homeworld - small format book published in 1982
- The Mechanoids - published in 1985
- The Mechanoids - comic series by Caliber Press; each issue is 50% comic
story, 50% RPG updated for M.D.C.
- Issue One - published in 1990
- Issue Two - published in 1991
- Issue Three - published in 1991
- The Mechanoid Invasion Trilogy Collectors Edition - signed by
Kevin Siembieda, Alex Marciniszyn, and Jim Osten
- Core Books:
- World Books:
- Between the Shadows
- Nightlands
- Through the Looking Glass Darkly
Ninjas & Superspies
- Ninjas & Superspies
- Ninjas & Superspies, Revised Edition
- Mystic China
Palladium Fantasy
- Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game
- Core Books:
- PFRPG Main Book - published in 1983
- PFRPG Game Shield - published in 1984
- Adventure Modules:
- The Arms of Nargash-Tor - small format book published in
- The Valley of the Pharaohs - boxed set published in
- Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game, Revised Edition
- Core Books:
- Sourcebooks:
- Old Ones
- Adventures on the High Seas
- Adventures in the Northern Wilderness
- 'Further' Adventures in the Northern Wilderness
- Island at the Edge of the World
- Yin-Sloth Jungles
- Supplemental Books:
- Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game, 2nd Edition
- Core Books:
- PFRPG2 Main Book
- PFRPG Collector's Crimson Edition - numbered and signed
by Kevin & Maryann Siembieda
- Sourcebooks:
- Old Ones
- Adventures on the High Seas
- Western Empire
- Baalgor Wastelands
- Mount Nimro
- Eastern Territory
- Library of Bletherad
- Northern Hinterlands
- Land of the Damned 1: Chaos Lands
- Land of the Damned 2: Eternal Torment
- Supplemental Books:
- Monsters & Animals
- Dragons & Gods
- Revised Recon - published in 1989
- Advanced Recon - published in 1988
- Deluxe Revised Recon
The Rifter
- Issue #1
- Issue #2
- Issue #3 - signed by
Kevin Siembieda and Wayne Smith
- Issue #4
- Issue #5
- Issue #6
- Issue #7
- Issue #8
- Issue #9
- Issue #91/2
- Issue #10
- Issue #11
- Issue #12
- Issue #13
- Issue #14
- Issue #15
- Issue #16
- Issue #17
- Issue #18
- Issue #19
- Issue #20
- Issue #21
- Core Books:
- RIFTS Main Book
- RIFTS RPG Silver Collector's Edition
- RIFTS RPG Gold Collector's Edition - numbered and signed by
Kevin Siembieda and Kevin Long
- RIFTS Adventure Guide
- RIFTS Book of Magic
- RIFTS Game Master Guide
- Index Volume One
- Index Volume Two - signed by Kevin Siembieda, Maryann Siembieda, Alex
Marciniszyn, Wayne Smith, and Julius Rosenstein
- Game Shields & Adventures
- Conversion Books
- Conversion Book (One)
- Conversion Book One: Revised Edition
- Pantheons of the Megaverse
- Sourcebooks:
- Sourcebook One
- The Mechanoids
- Mindwerks
- Coalition Navy - signed by Kevin Siembieda
- Bionics Sourcebook
- World Books:
- Vampire Kingdoms
- Atlantis
- England
- Africa
- Africa - second printing, which includes the errata
- Africa - third printing, which has the new cover by
- Triax & The NGR
- South America (One)
- Underseas
- Japan
- South America Two
- Juicer Uprising
- Coalition War Campaign
- Psyscape
- Lone Star - signed by Kevin Siembieda, Alex Marciniszyn,
and Jim Osten
- New West - signed by Kevin Siembieda
- Spirit West - signed by Kevin Siembieda
- Federation of Magic
- Warlords of Russia
- Mystic Russia
- Australia One
- Canada
- Splynn Dimensional Market
- Free Quebec
- Xiticix Invasion
- Supplemental Books:
- Mutants in Orbit
- Mercenaries
- Manhunter
- Dimension Books:
- Wormwood
- Phase World
- Phase World Sourcebook
- Skraypers
- Anvil Galaxy
- Coalition Wars - Siege on Tolkeen:
- Sedition - Chapter One
- Coalition Overkill - Chapter Two
- Sorcerers' Revenge - Chapter Three - signed by Kevin Siembieda
- Cyber-Knights - Chapter Four
- Shadows of Evil - Chapter Five
- Final Siege - Chapter Six - signed by Kevin Siembieda, Alex
Marciniszyn, Wayne Smith, Julius Rosenstein, Steve Sheiring, and Adam
- Aftermath
- Novels:
- Sonic Boom
- Deception's Web
- Treacherous Awakenings
- Others:
- 1993 Rifts Calendar
- Rifts Game Master's Companion computer program
- RiftsworkZ art portfolio - numbered and signed by John
- various game master tablets
RIFTS Collectible Card Game
- Starter Deck (three decks)
- Booster Deck (52 decks)
- Core Rules:
- Sourcebooks:
- RDF Manual
- Zentraedi
- Southern Cross
- Invid Invasion
- Return of the Masters
- Return of the Masters - revised
- New World Order
- Strike Force
- Adventure Books:
- Lancer's Rockers
- RDF Accelerated Training Program
- Ghost Ship
- Zentraedi Breakout
- Sentinels:
- The Sentinels
- REF Field Guide
Systems Failure
- Systems Failure - signed by Kevin Siembieda, Jim Osten, Wayne
Smith, Julius Rosenstein, and Alex Marciniszyn
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness
- Core Books:
- TMNT&OS Main Book - published in 1985
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness, Revised
- Core Books:
- TMNT&OS Main Book
- TMNT Game Shield
- Sourcebooks:
- Guide to the Universe
- Transdimensional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Adventure Books:
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures
- Turtles go Hollywood
- Truckin' Turtles
Weapons, Castles, & Compendiums
- The Palladium Book Of
- Contemporary Weapons - small format book published in 1984
- European Castles - small format book published in 1985
- Exotic Weapons - small format book published in 1984
- Weapons & Armour - small format book published in
- Weapons & Castles - small format book published in
- Weapons and Assassins - small format book published in
- Weapons and Castles of the Orient - small format book
published in 1984
- Compendiums
- Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles
- Compendium of Contemporary Weapons
Odds & Ends
- Books:
- The Magic of Palladium Books: Issue #4 - medium format 'magazine'
published in 1989
- The Magic of Palladium Books: Issue #6 - medium format 'magazine'
published in 1990
- The Collected Magic of Palladium Books - signed by Kevin
& Maryann Siembieda
- Computer Programs:
- RIFTS Game Master's Companion
- Dice Bags:
- RIFTS (blue bag featuring three Coalition Skelebots)
- Mouse Pads:
- Cover painting from the RIFTS Book of Magic: A G.M.'s Guide book
- Posters
- Rifter 18 - numbered and signed by
Kevin Siembieda and Scott Johnson
- Promotional Posters:
- Discover the RIFTS Megaverse, Underseas cover (two
- Discover the RIFTS Megaverse, Warlords of Russia cover (two
- Epic Adventure: Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game, unused
Old Kingdom cover (three copies, one signed by Kevin Siembieda)
- Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition / Ninja Turtles
and Other Strangeness
- Nightspawn
- Palladium Books Inc., 20 Years of Adventure (two copies)
- RIFTS Coalition Wars (two copies)
- RIFTS Collectable Card Game - mini post (three copies)
- RIFTS Collectable Card Game - full size poster
- RIFTS: Psyscape (two copies)
- T-Shirts:
- Merry Christmas from the Coalition
- RIFTS Logo
- Water Bottles: