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Modified from the original version in Protoculture Addicts #3
The original article brought up several interesting points concerning characters' awareness of their surroundings when outside a mecha, power armor, robot vehicle, etc. The Danger Sense ability isn't quite the Sixth Sense psionic ability, and for that reason is perfectly playable. However, the idea that a high Perception would give a bonus to strike is ludicrous. After all, Perception is supposed to be about awareness, not accuracy. Therefore, I propose instead a bonus for high Perception apply to initiative, not strike rolls, which is more in line with the Danger Sense sub-ability; low Perception results in initiative penalties. Regardless, these modifiers always apply, even in mecha or robot combat. Danger Sense - What it does: Making a successful Danger Sense check allows the character to dodge, parry, or roll with an attack that normally would have been a surprise attack (with no defense). A roll gained this way would be a straight dice roll, with the character's total initiative modifier added to the roll (normal parry/dodge/roll bonuses don't apply). Optionally, the character can opt to do a simultaneous return attack instead of avoiding the attack, but again, gets no bonuses other than what is normally their initiative bonus. Negative Modifiers for low perception: this works the exact opposite way as normal checks. The character must make the Danger Sense check or suffer the penalty. Example: A person with a 4 Perception has a -2 to initiative 96% of the time, but can avoid it by rolling 4 or less on the Danger Sense check. The following chart shows the relationship between Perception score, the Danger Sense percentage, and initiative modifiers:
Dice Rolls For Perception - By Race: Races with enhanced senses may get an additional 1D6 on top of the normal roll (resulting in 4D6, 5 if bonus die earned from roll of the first three). Characters with outstanding senses or with sense-related powers (a mutant with super hearing, juicers, etc.), get an additional 2D4 to their Perception roll. If a race has a natural Initiative bonus, check the P.P. range for the race. If the P.P. range is not sufficient to produce the initiative bonus, then the bonus must come from Perception. Example: A demon has a +6 to initiative, and a P.P. under 30. Therefore, it either has Sixth Sense or a Perception over 30. Combining Sixth Sense with Perception: Combining Martial Arts Techniques with Perception: Combining Perception with Robot Vehicle/Mecha Use: Suggested Rolling methods for Perception:
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